Europe Needs War, Advisor to Peter Magyar Says + Video

The advisor described the death of people as a cleansing.

2025. 01. 10. 16:32
dr. Raskó György-7

Draskovics Ádám
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Gyorgy Rasko, Peter Magyar's advisor wants war and the death of several hundred thousand people, as reported by Hir TV.

"The Tisza Party is pro-peace and does not want war," Peter Magyar kept repeating during his spring campaign tour of the country. Throughout the campaign, the leader of the Tisza Party tried to maintain the appearance that they are on the side of peace and reject armed conflict.

Now, however, an advisor to Peter Magyar took to social media, reflecting on Europe's need for a sobering war.

Gyorgy Rasko, who describes the death of people as a cleansing, has been providing guidance to the leader of the  Tisza Party for months. In the autumn, he even appeared in a joint video with the party chief. At the time, Magyar introduced the expert as a good old friend of his.

However, even though Peter Magyar had admitted their close relationship earlier, a few months ago he tried to deny that the man was his advisor, after Rasko discussed in one of his posts that 

the death of elderly voters would be to the benefit of the Tisza Party.

Peter Magyar's advisor holds a pro-war position and speculates on the death of the elderly, the communications director of the governing parties pointed out. Peter Magyar's advisor represents the interests of Brussels, and the interest of the Brussels elite is to ensure that there is no peace in Europe, Tamas Menczer stressed.

Cover photo: Gyorgy Rasko (Photo: Adam Draskovics)

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