Even Democrats Agree Joe Biden Was a Bad President

More than half of Americans believe that President Biden will be remembered by history as a "poor" to "below average" commander in chief, a new poll suggests.

Forrás: V4NA2025. 01. 10. 16:08
US President Joe Biden (Photo: AFP)
US President Joe Biden (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Gallup survey released on Tuesday found that only six percent of American adults responded that history would remember Joe Biden as an "outstanding" president, while 13 percent thought that Biden's legacy would be regarded as "above average".

37 percent of Americans expect Joe Biden to be regarded as a "below average" president, while 17 percent indicated that the 82-year-old commander in chief will be remembered as a poor" leader of the US,

as highlighted by the New York Post portal. According to the survey, another 26 percent said Biden will go down in history as just an "average" president.

Only former President Richard Nixon, who resigned from office under threat of impeachment during the Watergate scandal, had a lower net positive rating than President Biden.

Biden’s ratings can be considered tepid even when only responses from Democrats are considered.

A majority of Democrats (54 percent) said that President Biden would be remembered as "average" to "poor", while 44 percent felt his legacy would be "above average" to "outstanding".

Biden’s fellow Democrats are less enthusiastic about his presidency than they are about other recent Democratic presidents, and Biden is the only recent Democratic president who currently has a net-negative evaluation among independents,

the pollster said.

Cover photo: US President Joe Biden (Photo: AFP)

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