George Soros is once again in the spotlight after receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest US civilian honor, for his "philanthropic activities" and "support for global human rights." While many view the bestowing as a recognition, it has also sparked renewed debates about the life and career of the Hungarian-born American billionaire.
![Soros György neve újra és újra előkerül, amikor világszintű manipulációkról és érdekösszefonódásokról esik szó.](
Soros has been a major figure on the international political and economic stage for decades, eliciting as much criticism as praise for his activities. The occasion of his receiving this award provides an opportunity to take a closer look at the methods and impacts of George Soros’s work—and the price humanity has paid for it.
The Birth of George Soros’s Global Empire
George Soros, the Hungarian-born American billionaire, has become one of the largest funders of human rights and social causes over the past few decades. Since founding the Open Society Foundations (OSF) in 1984, he has spent billions of dollars supporting organizations and programs worldwide that promote his vision of an "open society."
While initial goals included supporting education and advancing human rights, they have since been intertwined with political influence peddling and global manipulation.
In 2018 alone, the OSF provided over 600 financial grants across Europe, while also funding hundreds of organizations in Africa, Asia, and South America, all promoting Soros’s ideals.
Speculation and currency crashes
Soros's biggest successes and scandals stem from his financial speculations. The 1992 "Black Wednesday" collapse of the British pound is one of the most notable speculative moves in modern financial history. At the time, the Bank of England attempted to maintain the pound's exchange rate, but Soros, moving billions of dollars, exerted artificial pressure on the currency.
The result: the pound lost 25 percent of its value in a single day, costing the British economy 30 billion pounds in losses.
Using similar tactics, Soros manipulated the Russian ruble, contributing to economic instability in Russia in the late 1990s. In Hungary, his attack on OTP Bank caused outrage, as he attempted to devalue the shares of the country's largest financial institution through stock market manipulation. The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority fined Soros’s company 489 million forints.
Through the Open Society Foundation, Soros actively influenced the political and social life in North Macedonia for decades.
During the "color revolution", protests aimed at overthrowing the national government, while foreign-funded civil organizations and political maneuvers sought to open borders and dismantle conservative values. These actions clearly demonstrate how external interventions exploited the country's internal instability to serve Soros’s interests.
Soros and the UN: influence over international organizations
Soros’s power extends beyond financial markets. He also wields considerable influence in United Nations human rights bodies and other international organizations. According to a fact-finding report by the French weekly Valeurs actuelles, Soros's foundations significantly finance the UN Human Rights Council and the European Court of Human Rights.
Such funding allows Soros to shape international legal norms and decisions, often serving political interests.
Gregor Puppinck, an expert on financing human rights organizations, revealed that the OSF provided over 1.5 million US dollars to UN special rapporteurs, whose reports have triggered political and social changes globally. These reports serve as legal references in other UN bodies and international courts, further amplifying Soros’s influence, the V4NA international news agency wrote.
University networks and shaping new generations
In 2020, Soros announced the establishment of the Open Society University Network (OSUN) with a billion US dollar endowment. This global educational initiative aims to connect universities worldwide and promote the idea of an open society.
Critics, however, argue that OSUN is a political instrument designed to indoctrinate new generations with Soros’s ideology.
Kenneth Roth, director of Human Rights Watch, described OSUN as a response to the spread of illiberal regimes. However, leaders of several countries, including Hungary and Poland, accuse Soros of interfering in their domestic politics and destabilizing conservative governments through his networks, as reported by V4NA.
Present everywhere globally
Soros’s network knows no borders. In 2018, he supported 571 organizations in the United States with over 32 million US dollars. These included pro-immigration and LGBTQ rights groups such as the Tides Foundation and the Campaign for Black Male Achievement.
The map clearly shows that George Soros primarily concentrates his support on the East Coast of the United States, which is understandable, given that this is the area where Washington is located.
In South America, the OSF has been particularly active in Brazil and Colombia. The Venezuelan office of Amnesty International received 75 thousand US dollars, while Brazil's Anis – Instituto de Bioetica financed debates on abortion.
In Africa, Soros’s organizations have supported the rights of sexual minorities while also spending significant amounts on aid for refugees and migrants.
Criticism and scandals
Soros’s activities have led not only to political and economic consequences but also to numerous scandals. Beyond the collapse of the British pound, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France for manipulating Societe Generale shares. Although Soros denied the charges, the case reinforced his image as a speculator.
Critics argue that Soros uses philanthropy as a facade to achieve political goals. Supporting migration, campaigning against national sovereignty, and prioritizing LGBTQ rights are all seen as part of Soros’s global agenda.
The billionaire, however, has always denied having political objectives, claiming that all his activities aim to promote human rights.
Cover photo: George Soros (Photo: AFP)