Levente Magyar: Romania's Accession to Schengen Is Key National Recompense for Hungary
"The accession of Romania to the Schengen area serves as an important national recompense for Hungary, as the border controls that have separated millions of Hungarians from each other are now removed. However, we have also done this for our Romanian friends," Levente Magyar, the Parliamentary state secretary of Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said at the symbolic opening of the border crossing between Pocsaj and Biharkeresztes.
Levente Magyar, Parliamentary state secretary of Hungary's Foreign Affairs Ministry at the symbolic opening of the Hungary-Romania border at Zajta and Peles (Nagypeleske) at the time of Romania's accession to the Schengen area on December 31, 2024 (Photo: MTI/KKM)
Jobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.
A Románia schengeni övezethez való csatlakozása alkalmából tartott kedd éjszakai ünnepségen az államtitkár emlékeztetett:
At the ceremony on Tuesday night to mark Romania's accession to the Schengen area, the state secretary said that
sokan élnek még közöttünk olyanok, akik emlékeznek arra az időre, amikor nem választotta ketté szigorúan őrzött államhatár azokat a településeket, melyek között ma itt állunk. Ez az átmeneti állapot nem tartott sokáig, és nyolcvan évvel ezelőtt vége is szakadt. A legtöbben joggal gondolhatták, hogy örökre.
there are still many of us who remember a time when the settlements in this area were not divided by a closely guarded state border. That transient period did not last long and ended eighty years ago. Most people were justified in thinking it was forever.
He stressed that the Romanian-Hungarian border was one of the most tightly closed state borders within Europe, despite both countries belonging to the socialist bloc.
How many, primarily Hungarians from Transylvania, paid with their lives, even as late as the second half of the 1980s for risking escape from Ceausescu's prison state. Who would have thought, in those troubled times, that there would once again be freedom, let alone free border crossings?
the politician said, adding,
the wheel of history has now turned and given back something of what was taken away. The opportunity for the joint development of the Hungarian-Romanian border regions, the strengthening of natural economic, social and transport links and, above all, the gift of free movement. First and foremost for those who have suffered most from the existence of this border, the hundreds of thousands of people who live on both sides of the border,
the state secretary stressed.
We are well aware of the amount of tears and pain, individual and community tragedies and lost opportunities are linked to the many decades-long untraversability of this border.
He also mentioned, "the history of economic decline of entire regions of the country, especially on the Hungarian side, when ties to metropolitan centers are severed".
Levente Magyar, Parliamentary State Secretary of Hungary's Foreign Affairs Ministry, at the symbolic opening of the Hungary-Romania border at the temporary border crossing point between Zajta and Peles (Nagypeleske) on the occasion of Romania's accession to the Schengen area on December 31, 2024. Beside the state secretary are Satu Mare (Szatmarnemeti) Mayor Gabor Kereskenyi, Lazuri (Lazari) Mayor Antal Elek Beres, Fidesz MP Attila Tilki, and Zajta Mayor Zoltan Pal Kosztya (Photo: MTI/KKM)
But what is taking place today gives hope for a successful future after a period of hardship. Tonight we are celebrating not only Romania's accession to the Schengen area, but also the opening of ten new road links to Romania, in addition to the existing 12 that connect the two countries. This will reduce the average travel distance between crossings from the current 37 kilometers to 20 kilometers,
the state secretary stressed, pointing out that this is a twice as bright night in the history of Hungarian-Romanian relations.
"The shadows cast by our shared history are long, and we have to take a big leap to get out from under them,"
he said, noting that this moment is one such joint leap.
We are not always going to agree on everything about the past, and perhaps we don't have to, but I would like to make it clear here and now that we Hungarians are very much interested in the closest and most prosperous relations with you, as our efforts to secure Romania's accession to Schengen demonstrate,
Levente Magyar said.
The result is an important national recompense for Hungary, as the abolition of border controls has separated millions of Hungarians from each other, but what we have done now we have also done for our Romanian friends, for Romanian national unity,
the state secretary said.
From here on, it is our common task to preserve this historic achievement and also to have it preserved by the European Union, because we see every day how the erroneous measures of Brussels endanger the whole Schengen concept,
he stressed in his speech. Levente Magyar in a statement to public media said,
The most poignant significance of Romania's accession to Schengen is that it will mean the virtual disappearance of one of Hungary's most, if not the most, painful Trianon borders. It is a border of almost 5,000 kilometers that for more than a hundred years separated not only Hungary and Romania, but also Hungary and Transylvania. This border has now evaporated, leaving nothing more than a virtual line demarcating administrative governance.
With the disappearance of the border controls between the two countries, trade and the economy of the border areas will be boosted and Romania will experience a very significant economic growth.
He spoke of Hungary's decisive role in this, as Romania has been a member of the EU for almost 20 years, during which time the largest member states have also held the presidency, but no one has been able to bring the country into the Schengen area. According to Levente Magyar, Hungary's increased international prestige, its ability to assert its interests and the successful personal diplomatic efforts of the Hungarian prime minister all contributed to this historic achievement. Earlier, the state secretary also attended the symbolic opening of the temporary border crossing between Zajta and Peles (Nagypeleske). In his speech there he stressed that history was being made, as
for the first time in eighty years, a border that separates a region that has always belonged together is now freely crossable.
In 2010, Hungary had 83 road links with its neighbors, while today there are 128, he said. 45 such roads have been built since 2010, ten of them jointly with Romania. But these ten roads could not be used until now, because Romania's accession to Schengen was shamefully delayed by the opposition of certain institutions and Western European politicians.
We can be thankful that history is finally turning in a positive direction for all of us tonight,
he stressed.
Cover photo: Levente Magyar, Parliamentary state secretary of Hungary's Foreign Affairs Ministry at the symbolic opening of the Hungary-Romania border at Zajta and Peles (Nagypeleske) at the time of Romania's accession to the Schengen area on December 31, 2024 (Photo: MTI/KKM)
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
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