Santiago Abascal: Europe's Greatness Lies in the Greatness of Its Peoples

Europe's greatness lies in the greatness of its peoples. We promised to make Europe great again, and we will show that we keep our promises, Patriots for Europe President Santiago Abascal declared at a mass rally held on the occasion of the party family’s summit in Madrid.

2025. 02. 09. 13:55
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Europe’s greatness is not a massive building or a bureaucratic caste in Brussels, nor is it the concentration of all powers far from the homelands of the people. Europe’s greatness lies in its capitals, in the hearts of Europeans, stated the Spanish politician, adding that Europe’s greatness can be achieved by ensuring the continued existence of its nations while respecting their sovereignty and freedom. Mr. Abascal stressed that they take pride in having former U.S. President Donald Trump on their side in the fight for freedom. He called on those present to seize the opportunity and begin reclaiming Europe.

We will be the protagonists of a historic victory. Forward, patriots of Europe, do not retreat before anything or anyone!

– he stated. According to Mr. Abascal, the members of the party alliance are united by a deep love for their homelands, their strong commitment to the general freedom of the people and personal liberty, as well as the importance of protecting borders and resisting the fierce attacks directed at them by globalists. He criticized European institutions for their immigration policies, climate fanaticism and increasingly aggressive censorship, which he said is imposed to prevent Europeans from hearing the message of patriots. In his view, these attacks only serve to strengthen their unity.

There's no time for discouragement, for licking our wounds, no reason for resignation, no excuse for passivity. On the contrary, the signs of hope are everywhere, and we have but one duty: to never give up,

– he declared. 

Thank you to everyone who has joined us at the gathering of European patriots. Thank you for always standing by us, in tough times just as well as in even tougher times, 

– Santiago Abascal, the president of Patriots for Europe and leader of the Spanish Vox party, emphasized in his speech.

Tomorrow, I will address Vox’s member organizations in Murcia, but today, I want all of us to give thanks to the true protagonists of this day: to all the leaders who preceded me on this stage, to all that you have heard here today, voices that are moving forward unstoppably and triumphantly across Europe,

 – he said, adding that these are the voices of millions of Europeans who know that a different future is possible.

We will build this future together, with many others, because our numbers are growing, and because the future belongs to us, 

– he declared, before expressing his gratitude to several leaders of the Patriots alliance, notably Viktor Orban. He added:

You set an example for all of us. The example of victory, and of sustaining victory.

As Magyar Nemzet previously highlighted, the Patriots for Europe party alliance held a summit in Madrid, where Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also delivered a speech at Saturday’s mass rally. In in, he underlined:

Yesterday, they said we were the past; today, everyone sees that we are the future.

Cover photo: Santiago Abascal at the Patriots for Europe party alliance’s summit in Madrid (Photo: Anadolu via AFP/2025 Anadolu)

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