This Year Will Mark a Breakthrough Against the Empire, Viktor Orban Said

Thanks to the strengthening of the Patriots, the global regime change that began last year will continue this year with heightened quality and momentum, Laszlo Dornfeld, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, said regarding Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s annual State of the Republic address.

2025. 02. 23. 12:42
Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök évértékelője, 2025 Fotó: Polyák Attila Forrás: MTI
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Discussing the foreign policy aspects of the Hungarian prime minister's address, Dornfeld told Magyar Nemzet:

2025 will mark a breakthrough, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor said in his annual address (Photo: MTI/Attila Polyak)

"'With Donald Trump's return to the White House, the process of ending the war in Ukraine has begun. Meanwhile, Brussels cannot respond adequately to this shift, risking Europe’s isolation and exclusion from crucial negotiations shaping the coming decades,' the prime minister said."

Viktor Orban’s speech reflected on these geopolitical challenges and must be understood in this context, the senior analyst said.

Laszlo Dornfeld (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)

Although Trump has ushered in a new era, 'he cannot win on our behalf.' While one of the Empire’s centers—Washington—has been lost, 'Brussels remains a stronghold, and they still have their Budapest outpost, which Hungary’s right-wing must confront.'

the analyst quoted from the prime minister's speech.

Dornfeld interpreted this as a signal that European Union politics will now become more significant after the U.S. shift, highlighting the need for Europe to free itself from "imperial shackles" to be a viable partner to America—a sentiment echoed in U.S. Vice President J. D. Vance's speech in Munich

Viktor Orban identified five key battlegrounds with Brussels: migration, child protection, the 13th month pension, utility bill cuts and Ukraine.

"President Trump is our ally in this struggle, but the Hungarian Right must fight the battles. While we cannot stop the EU-targeted tariff war Trump has declared, we have a solid chance of shielding ourselves from its consequences," Dornfeld said.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's 2025 State of the Republic address (Photo: MTI/Attila Polyak Attila)

According to the expert, the strength of the U.S. alliance is also illustrated by the prime minister's announcement that a government envoy will meet with President Trump's team to investigate evidence of the Empire's Budapest outpost.

Viktor Orban announced a 'Western opening' to complement the existing Eastern strategy, aiming for an alliance of patriots on both sides of the Atlantic. This a significant shift, not just maneuvering, but a counterattack aimed at achieving a breakthrough,

Dornfeld said.

Hungary’s international strategy has proven successful, validated by the Trump pivot. According to the prime minister, this success will now form the foundation of the nation’s broader strategy, influencing all areas,

Dornfeld concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s annual State of the Republic address, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Attila Polyak)

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