In the Fall, Peter Magyar Spoke Boldly About Ukraine’s EU Membership

For Peter Magyar, the Ukraine issue - or, more specifically, the stance he should take publicly regarding support for the war-torn country and its EU integration - is becoming increasingly awkward. While the majority of the Hungarian public does not support Ukraine’s accession to the EU, the Tisza Party leader’s backers in Brussels expect him to fully endorse the cause. In this installment of our article series, we examine how the politician evades transparency, dodges questions, and contradicts himself, despite having repeatedly made highly visible displays of support for Ukraine alongside his fellow delegates in the European Parliament over the past few months.

2025. 03. 19. 14:37
Peter Magyar, President of the Tisza Party and MEP (l) and Manfred Weber, President of the European People's Party (EPP) hold a press conference in Strasbourg on 9 October 2024 (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

While Peter Magyar now carefully avoids giving a straightforward answer to the question of whether he would support Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, just a few months ago, he spoke more candidly on the matter. On October 17 of last year, in an interview with Austria’s public broadcaster ORF, the Tisza Party leader was asked whether Ukraine should eventually become a member of both the EU and NATO.

In response, Peter Magyar stated, “As far as the EU is concerned, if they meet the conditions, then of course. But the road will be long.”

(Video from 10:40)

Today, however, the party leader is reluctant to discuss the issue. On Monday, during an appearance on ATV’s Straight Talk (Egyenes Beszed) program, he first dodged the question, evaded the topic, and then - when host Egon Ronai pressed him again on whether he supported Ukraine’s EU membership - he merely stated:

the country is at war and currently does not meet the accession criteria, so no one can seriously consider this a relevant issue.

(Video from 6:10)


A Double Game

It is evident that Peter Magyar is avoiding this increasingly "hot" topic for political reasons. The majority of Hungarian society currently opposes Ukraine's EU accession, and the party leader does not want to align himself with a minority position. At the same time, however, the European People's Party (EPP) expects him to fully support Ukraine, leading Mr. Magyar to play a double game, as we have previously pointed out in an earlier article.

Tisza MEPs Draped in Ukrainian Colors

On November 19 of last year, the Tisza Party made a demonstrative show of its commitment to Ukraine in the European Parliament. Peter Magyar and his colleagues listened to Volodymyr Zelensky's speech—delivered via video link to mark the thousandth day of the war—while wearing T-shirts featuring the Ukrainian flag. The Tisza MEPs, along with most of the EPP led by Manfred Weber, aligned themselves with the newly popularized slogan of the time: "We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary."

It is worth recalling that while Tisza politicians pledged allegiance to continuing the war in their pro-war attire, former U.S. President Joe Biden - already a lame duck but still in office - authorized Ukraine to deploy American missiles, which Ukrainian forces subsequently used, including the U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles.

The pro-war stance of Peter Magyar and his allies is no coincidence, nor is it a mere one-time occurrence: it aligns perfectly with the European People's Party's political strategy. Zoltan Tarr, the head of Tisza’s European Parliament delegation, had already admitted that they follow Manfred Weber's guidance in all matters. As he put it, "We rely on the EPP's position, which is a kind of obligation," adding, "We have accepted and continue to accept the EPP’s stance, and we have made those positions our own."

On September 19, Tisza also voted in favor of a pro-war European Parliament resolution calling for increased weapon deliveries. Thus, Peter Magyar is obediently carrying out the expectations set by Manfred Weber and his allies.

Peter Magyar Gave a Standing Ovation to the Commission President’s Pro-War Speech

Another memorable moment came on October 9, 2024, when Peter Magyar enthusiastically applauded Ursula von der Leyen's speech before the European Parliament. During last year’s election campaign, the Tisza Party leader had indignantly rejected any suggestion that he was Brussels' "humble servant," yet since then, the world has turned upside down. As Magyar Nemzet previously highlighted, Hungarian Chief Prosecutor Peter Polt initiated an immunity procedure against Mr. Magyar following his "nightclub scandal" in June, after allegations of theft emerged. From that moment on, Mr. Magyar’s parliamentary immunity and personal freedom have been in the hands of the European Parliament—and within it, the European People's Party.

But, revisiting the infamous European Parliament event, after Prime Minister Viktor Orban had presented Hungary’s agenda for its upcoming EU Council presidency, Ursula von der Leyen - the EC's EPP-affiliated president - took the floor. Rather than addressing policy matters, she delivered sharp political criticisms of Viktor Orban and announced that Ukraine’s military and financial support must continue. She declared: "There is only one path to a just peace for Ukraine and Europe, and that is to continue supporting Ukraine's resistance with military, financial, and political assistance."

Peter Magyar greeted these words with a standing ovation.

They Also Reacted to Donald Tusk's Speech with a Standing Ovation

Tisza Party MEPs have made it clear that they are eager to prove their allegiance to the EPP. Not only did they greet the Commission President’s October speech—which was rife with attacks against Hungary—with enthusiastic ovations, but they also gave a standing ovation to Donald Tusk, one of the primary advocates of war escalation. Poland's prime minister has long been one of Manfred Weber's trusted allies and bears responsibility for leading Europe into its current crisis, as Fidesz MEP Csaba Domotor has previously pointed out.

In a Facebook post, the Fidesz politician highlighted that Tusk's government has been a key advocate of war escalation and continuous arms shipments in recent months.

Cheered on by the liberal mainstream, the Polish government seeks complete independence from the Eastern gas supplies, blatantly ignoring the fact that even partial detachment has already driven energy prices and inflation through the roof. No country has lobbied harder for sanctions. One of their officials even suggested that those who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline—which provided cheaper gas—should not be arrested, but awarded. Their foreign minister even expressed gratitude for the act. Meanwhile, Tusk is pushing for Ukraine’s NATO and EU membership without addressing the security risks involved or acknowledging how such a move would deprive Central and Eastern European citizens—especially Polish and Hungarian farmers—of much-needed support, MEP Csaba Domotor explained.

To be continued.

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