President Novak calls for Serbia's EU accession

The two sides have reached a new chapter in the golden era of Hungary-Serbia relations, according to Hungary's president.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 06. 20. 17:07
NOVÁK Katalin; VUCIC, Aleksandar
Palics, 2023. június 20. Novák Katalin magyar (b) és Aleksandar Vucic szerb köztársasági elnök (j) a Magyar-Szerb Stratégiai Együttműködési Tanács plenáris ülésén a vajdasági Palicson 2023. június 20-án. MTI/Bruzák Noémi Fotó: Bruzák Noémi
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

We have reached a new chapter in the golden era of Hungary-Serbia relations, President Katalin Novak told a press conference held on Tuesday on the occasion of the establishment of the Hungarian-Serbian Strategic Cooperation Council, in Palic. Ms Novak stressed that the fact that Serbia and Hungary have established a Strategic Cooperation Council reflects that the joint decisions are not tactical, but strategic, as they want to lay the groundwork for Hungarian-Serbian friendship and cooperation in the long run.

President Novak explained that the ministers had met in 12 working groups, and that they expected their work to produce tangible results and provide substance to the 12 agreements just signed between the two countries.

From among the topics discussed on Tuesday, President Novak highlighted the Russia-Ukraine war, the stability of the Western Balkans, Serbia's accession to the European Union and demography. Hungary's head of state emphasized that ties between Hungary and Serbia are characterised by the mutual respect of two freedom-loving, sovereign nations. Concerning the Ukraine war, she stressed that the goal is to reach a ceasefire and a peace agreement as soon as possible. She underlined that this should not divert anyone's attention from the Western Balkans, whose stability is also key to Europe's stability. We need peace and security here, too, she said. The second issue she mentioned was Serbia's accession to the EU.

She recalled that Serbia applied for EU membership in 2009 and that accession negotiations have been ongoing since 2014.

Katalin Novak stressed that Serbia has already proved many times that it belongs to Europe. She added, that

for Hungary, this is unquestionable, and this is why we consider it of the utmost importance that Serbia should be able to join the EU in a legal sense.

Regarding Serbia's accession to the Schengen Area, she said that until this happens, they would like to facilitate border crossings between the two countries. Ms Novak also stressed that cooperation between Serbia and Hungary in the fight against the so-called "demographic winter" would also be closer, adding that Hungary was ready to share its experiences with Serbia. In response to a journalist's question, she said the Budapest Demography Summit, one of the largest international meetings of pro-family forces, will be held again on 14-15 September this year, and that the participants of this forum will seek solutions to Europe's demographic challenges. She said Serb President Aleksandar Vucic had also confirmed his intention to participate. Ms Novak expressed her condolences on the recent shootings and floods in Serbia and in Kosovo.


Cover photo: Hungarian President Katalin Novak (l) and Serb President Aleksandar Vucic (r) at the plenary session of the Hungarian-Serbian Strategic Cooperation Council in Palic, Vojvodina, 20 June 2023 (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)


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