Another ambassador lobbying for LGBTQ rights comes to Budapest

A pro-LGBTQ ambassador, who pledged to support sexual minorities even before taking office, will arrive in Hungary from the Czech Republic. Eva Dvorakova said she would represent the Czech Republic's position and not shy away from forming a strong opinion on issues deemed important to her country, including support for the LGBTQ community and its rights.

2023. 08. 15. 18:40
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Eva Dvorakova will arrive in Hungary in the next few days to replace Tibor Bial as the Czech Republic's new ambassador to Hungary. She previously headed the foreign ministry's department for Eastern European countries in Prague. Her goal will be to improve communication between the two countries, and also to voice her opinion on sensitive issues.

I go to Hungary knowing that we are still partners in the EU and NATO. Therefore, if we want these two important organizations to work, we have to continue to communicate with Hungary, keep in touch and talk about everything that is important to us.

the diplomat told the Czech daily Seznam Zpravy in a recent interview. Ms Dvorakova also stressed that she would represent the Czech position and will not shy away from issues that are important to them, including support for the LGBTQ community and its rights. "These are universal rights that transcend borders," she said. The new ambassador also recalled that earlier this year, on the occasion of the 28th Budapest Pride Festival, the Czech Embassy in Budapest signed the Declaration of Foreign Embassies on LGBTQ People, which was endorsed by all EU embassies, except for Poland.

Asked about the Czech Republic's support for the EU's new migration and asylum package, the diplomat said: "Hungary demands to be treated with respect when it defends its own interests, so I assume we will also be treated with respect when we defend our own interests, which may sometimes differ from theirs. She said during her work, she would consult with representatives of the governing parties and the opposition, and would seek to communicate with as wide a cross-section of Hungarian society as possible.

Eva Dvorakova is not the only one calling for support for the rights of LGBTQ people. As is known, since his appointment, US Ambassador in Budapest David Pressman has also been fighting for the recognition of sexual minorities, and he has also been reaching out to the LGBTQ community and 'civil society' organizations in Hungary. 

Mr Pressman was present at the opening of the 28th Budapest Pride Festival and the parade itself. After the event, he gave a party where he hosted around 1,000 people, including several left-wing politicians at his residence.

At the event billed as a family Pride picnic, Mr Pressman criticized Hungary's Child Protection Law in particular, but also brought up the issue of the notorious rainbow bench in Budapest's 9th district, which was later repainted to different colors. In his speech, the ambassador praised the authors of the Labrisz Lesbian Association's LGBTQ book called Fairyland is For All (Meseorszag Mindenkie), describing them as "everyday heroes."

The French Embassy also happens to be an ardent advocate for LGBTQ communities, as evidenced by a visit to Budapest by Jean-Marc Berthon, France's LGBTQ rights ambassador, who met with opposition politicians Gabor Kerpel-Fronius, David Bedo and Bence Tordai before the Budapest Pride event. Besides these political players, Mr Berthon also met with members of Hungarian NGOs focused on the rights of LGBTQ communities.  

But Julia Gross, Germany's ambassador to Budapest, is also worthy of mention. In an earlier interview with the Szabad Pecs news portal, she said she supported the pride festivals in both Budapest and the south-Hungarian city of Pecs, and that she would like to participate in these with her colleagues. The ambassador made good on her promise, and photos taken at the event show her celebrating alongside Mr Pressman.

Cover photo: Julia Gross and David Pressman (Photo: Reuters)


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