Következő mérkőzések
18:002024. július 05.
21:002024. július 05.

Hungary FM: There's a manhunt against politicians defending national interests

The international liberal mainstream won't shy away from harsh interference, the foreign minister explained.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 08. 12. 12:31
SZIJJÁRTÓ Péter; VAZÍR, Kamel al-
Szijjártó Péter az egyiptomi közlekedési miniszterrel tárgyalt Fotó: Soós Lajos
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– A global manhunt is underway for politicians who stand up to the international liberal mainstream and courageously represent national interests, FM Szijjarto said on his Facebook page.

Mr Szijjarto underlined that new indictments are being brought against the most likely candidate in the next US presidential race, the leading Slovak politician of the most likely party in the autumn parliamentary elections has been arrested, and in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the democratically elected leader of the Serbian community has also been indicted.

The international liberal mainstream does not shy away from any harsh intervention, from the deployment of the police or judicial means, if it feels that its power is threatened. They fear the will of the people like wildfire.

– But why does Transparency International, Amnesty, the Helsinki Committee remain silent in such occasions... ? Obviously because they are on the payroll of the international liberal mainstream!

– Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto has said. 



Cover photo: Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto (Photo: Lajos Soos)

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