Hungarian journalist: This is what hypocritical, despicable and rogue politics looks like + video

In the latest episode of his vlog, Hungarian journalist Zsolt Bayer took a closer look at a deal between the United States and Russia.

2023. 09. 03. 15:37
Washington, 2022. február 24. Joe Biden amerikai elnök sajtótájékoztatót tart az ukrajnai helyzetrõl a washingtoni Fehér Házban 2022. február 24-én. Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnök hajnalban katonai mûvelet végrehajtását rendelte el a Donyec-medencében, leszögezve, hogy Oroszország tervei között nem szerepel Ukrajna megszállása, ugyanakkor törekedni fog az ország demilitarizálására. Az orosz erõk mindazonáltal Ukrajna más térségeiben is támadtak katonai célpontokat, és támadást indítottak az oroszbarát szakadárok is az általuk ellenõrzött kelet-ukrajnai területeken. Az ukrán vezetés hadiállapotot vezetett be. A nyugati világ elítélte az orosz hadmûveletet, és súlyos szankciókat helyezett kilátásba Moszkva ellen. MTI/EPA/Michael Reynolds Fotó: Michael Reynolds
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, it's safe to say the West has pushed its so-called sanctions policy to the point of madness.

"Since the beginning of the war, Western countries and the United States have been competing with each other in finding ways to punish and sanction Russia," Hungarian journalist Zsolt Bayer said in the video.

 They are calling on everyone not to buy anything from the Russians, and urge global companies to pull out of Russia. Also, no one should buy energy from Russian ever again, he said.

And anyone who, having no other option, is exempted from the ban on importing Russian gas or oil, like Hungary, is at the very least suspicious and of course, declared a traitor to Western values.

While all this madness is raging on the surface, the US Bureau of Statistics has released a recent summary which tells us that in the first half of 2023, in the middle of the Russia-Ukraine war, the United States bought 2.2 times more enriched uranium from Russia than last year, Mr Bayer said.

This quantity also suggests – let me stress again: in the middle of a war – that Russia now has a 32 per cent share of enriched uranium imports in the US market, the publicist underlined. 

So, while the US is putting on a show on the surface, calling anyone who is willing to trade with the Russians a traitor, it has more than doubled its imports of enriched uranium from Russia.

This is what hypocritical, despicable and rogue politics looks like. Everything the United States says is a lie and should not be believed. Everyone should do what is in their own self-interest, Mr Bayer said, concluding his video.

Cover photo: US President Joe Biden holds a press conference on the situation in Ukraine at the White House in Washington, 24 February 2022.

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