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Interior Minister: Hungary Simultaneously Protecting Other Countries' Public Security

The Visegrad Four interior ministers, together with those of Germany and Austria, discussed the protection of Schengen borders.

2023. 11. 28. 17:35
Budapest, 2023. október 2. Pintér Sándor belügyminiszter beszédet mond a Belügyminisztérium és a Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem közötti együttmûködési keretmegállapodás aláírásán a minisztériumban 2023. október 2-án. MTI/Bruzák Noémi Fotó: Bruzák Noémi
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

By protecting its external borders, Hungary is not only safeguarding its own public order and security, but also that of other EU countries, the Hungarian minister for interior affairs said in Szeged, Hungary on Monday.

Sandor Pinter told the press following the conference of interior ministers from Visegrad Four countries plus Germany and Austria that effective Hungarian action against illegal migration enables Austria, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland to ensure adequate public security and prevent crimes caused by "uninvited guests" in their respective countries, Hungary's news agency (MTI) reports.

At the meeting, Hungary presented to the invited interior ministers the Schengen border protection efforts it has been making,

the international collaborations it has forged and the plans it is pursuing in the future, they write, adding: the impact of legal decisions brought so far were also discussed, as well as proposals for the creation of new legislation.

Sandor Pinter stated that he trusts in arriving at consensual agreement, which is what Hungary is striving for instead of a compromise. The country is poised to cooperate and accept other proposals, but rejects the mandatory nature of relocation, considering this a question of national sovereignty.

For all countries, the gravity of the challenges regarding migration requires joint action, said Vit Rakusan, the minister of the interior for the Czech Republic, who currently holds the rotating presidency of the Visegrad Four group.

"The countries participating in the conference are located along the same migration route, making protecting the external borders everyone's common interest,"

 the Czech minister stressed.

"The cooperation of law enforcement agencies and engaging with third countries will continue in the face of illegal migration on the Western Balkan route, said Vit Rakusan, noting that Czech police have been involved in the external border protection effort since 2015. The minister also announced that the Czech Republic will continue this assistance in 2024.

Conference invitees agreed to hold regular meetings to evaluate migration processes, said the Czech minister.

"Re-instating internal border controls are not a satisfactory solution,

the key to the security of countries and their populations is the protection of external borders,"

 Minister Rakusan said, adding that although a common European solution is needed, finding a compromise is not easy.

"Due to the increase in secondary migration, several member states have introduced internal border controls, despite, all members wanting open borders within the European Union," said Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

"Joint action is needed against human smuggling,"

she emphasized, adding that the role of Frontex must be strengthened.

"The safeguarding of human rights is the basis of European cooperation, this is especially true for migration policy and the protection of external borders," stressed Minister Faeser, who believes that the bloc has never been so close to the establishment of a common EU asylum system, but that time is running out with the 2024 European Parliament elections rapidly approaching.

"Coordinated action is needed against illegal migration and the protection of external borders must be strengthened,"

 Gerhard Karner, Ausztria's internal minister emphasized, pointing out that the visit to Hungary highlighted that external border protection - in which Austrian, Czech and Slovak police officers have also been participating along side Hungarian forces - can be achieved effectively.

"Cooperation is also needed against human smuggling and organized crime," the Austrian minister stated, and "not only the small fish, but also the big sharks who control the organizations must be caught".

"Slovakia is committed to help protect the external borders,"

the Slovakia Minister of the Interior Matus Sutaj-Estok reiterated the importance of cooperation. At the moment, the situation is fortunate due to the weather and the actions of the Serbian authorities, but warned that they must prepare for the spring and the renewed intensification of migration pressure.

"The Schengen area is a core value of the European Union that must be preserved,"

said Polish Deputy Interior Minister Bartosz Grodecki, arguing for the importance of protecting external borders and effective, coordinated action against human smuggling and organized criminal groups.

Cover photo: Sandor Pinter (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)

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