Viktor Orban Mentioned in Zelensky's Year-End Speech + Video

As Russia hasn't been able to demonstrate success on the battlefield, there can be no talk of Ukraine's defeat either, according to the president.

2023. 12. 20. 12:46
Kijev, 2023. december 19. Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök évértékelõ sajtótájékoztatót tart Kijevben 2023. december 19-én. MTI/EPA/Szerhij Dolzsenko Fotó: Szerhij Dolzsenko
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave his annual state-of-the-nation speech. Secrecy shrouded the press conference for security reasons, with the exact time and location shared only with accredited journalists. The speech focused primarily on the war ravaging the country, but he also touched briefly on his relationship with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

We are trying to find solutions for certain questions, but for it we need to organize a meeting. I believe we can find a diplomatic solution and we will work on that,

the Hungarian state news agency (MTI) quoted Zelensky, whose team is trying to establish a meeting with the Hungarian prime minister.

In response to a journalist's question, the president said that he had never spoken to Orban about the ceasefire with Russia, noting that Hungary's policies are not always kind to Ukraine. "I had a lot of questions for him. But it makes no difference, we are neighbors, even with these challenges," he said.

We are trying to find a solution to some issues, but we need to organize a meeting for that,

he stressed.

President Zelensky admitted to having asked Viktor Orban why Hungary does not support Ukraine's EU membership, and why they have not met yet, but according to Zelensky, the PM did not answer these questions.

Zelensky to propose peace plan to Russia

In the president's view, although there is no chance of Ukraine losing the war, he mentioned that peace negotiations with Russia are "not feasible at the moment", but that Kyiv does have a prepared peace offer in its hands. Most recently, international negotiations on the settlement of the war were held in Malta, but in the absence of Russia. The next similar talks are to take place in Switzerland. The president is obviously counting on a lot of support:

When all the countries of the world unite in this document, then we can hand it over to Russia,

he said, however, he also made it clear that such a step is not doable as yet.


Military leaders call for the mobilization of half a million soldiers

At the same time, Zelensky thanked the Ukrainian soldiers on the front, who have been fighting the invading Russian forces for almost two years, and also welcomed Ukraine's victory over the Russian navy in the Black Sea. He explained that military leaders proposed the mobilization of 450,000-500,000 soldiers, the cost of which, according to estimates, would reach 500 billion Ukrainian hryvnias (approx 12.3 billion euros)."Where do we get the money for this?" he asked. Zelensky admitted that the country needs Western support, which is currently dwindling, and the military is running low on weapons and ammunition. He said both the EU and the US are working on substantial aid packages, but both have been blocked in recent weeks. Zelensky said Russia has not succeeded in the war, so talking about Ukraine's defeat is out of the question.


Zelensky continues to have confidence in Western support

Ukraine's president reaffirmed that their key allies continue to support Ukraine. He also expressed gratitude to the EU and its leaders for their help. "We have developed special relations with them," he said, highlighting Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia and the Netherlands in particular. Meanwhile, he criticized Poland over the truckers' protests and called it a fantasy that NATO would fight for Ukraine.

When asked how long Ukraine could be waiting for the next aid package from Washington, Zelensky said the aid would "certainly" arrive.

On Monday, US President Joe Biden's national security adviser said Ukraine will receive another aid package in December. After the release of the package, it will be up to Congress to approve additional funding for Kyiv, John Kirby said. Zelensky was also asked if he thought the crisis in the Middle East is diverting attention from the war in Ukraine. He replied that the war in Gaza is a "tragedy and a challenge" for the region, but the world must acknowledge that war is still going on in Ukraine.

The press conference also touched on the issue of Ukrainians held captive by Russians, whose number could be as high as ten thousand, according to human rights groups. Zelensky acknowledged that communication with the captives' families was unsatisfactory, but said they are working to return "a significant number of our people". Zelensky acknowledged that people are divided on what victory means in Ukraine and around the world.

Ukraine has survived Russia's initial full-scale invasion victoriously and will regain additional territories at some point in the future, he said.

He criticized bureaucracy, citing the case when 20 thousand drones were stuck in a warehouse and could not be deployed to the front line. He promised that one million drones will be produced in Ukraine next year. Asked about the level of support Ukraine is receiving from the US, Zelensky said he believes his visits to the US - most recently this month - have increased the number of people who endorse assisting Ukraine. Work and talks with the White House will continue, the Ukrainian president concluded his roughly two-hour-long press conference.

Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky holds year-end press conference in Kiev on December 19, 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Sergey Dolzhenko)

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