"Look to Warsaw! What's happening in Poland now will happen here, too, after the change of government!" Momentum party MP Marton Tompos posted on his social media page in response to the recent events in Poland. As reported by Magyar Nemzet, on Tuesday evening, the previous PiS government's ex-interior minister and his deputy were arrested at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw. Prior to that, the new Tusk cabinet had seized control of Polish public media in coup-like fashion.
Hungary's Left Is Bent on Importing Poland's Chaos
In the event that they came to power, the Hungarian Left would follow the violent example of their Polish counterparts, Balazs Orban, Prime Minister Orban's political director, said in response to Momentum MP Marton Tompos's post that the same would happen in Hungary after a change of government. It is worth noting that the domestic Left would adopt the classic Soros recipe, as ahead of the 2022 elections they were openly talking about banning journalists from the media, rewriting the constitution illegally and jailing right-wingers - as is currently happening in Poland.

"The Hungarian left has been exposed: they openly admit that if they come to power, they will follow the violent patterns of the Polish left, Balazs Orban responded to the MP's comment in a post on his Facebook page. The prime minister's political director said that the leftist opposition would handcuff people who had committed no crime under the law and systematically silence opinions with which they disagreed. He pointed out that it is now clear to everyone that when the Left claims to be fighting for democracy and against corruption, they are really fighting for their own power and against diversity of opinion.
We can't allow the Gyurcsany-era to return!
the political director stressed.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Recently, the Tuzfalcsoport fact-finding blog wrote that the Tusk cabinet is using a regionally-adjusted variant of Soros's subversive methods. Such plans to dismantle the constitutional rule of law are not new, as this was also the campaign of Hungary's Left ahead of the 2022 elections. Even before the 2022 elections, several prominent left-wing lawyers published a joint paper entitled Democracy and Constitutionalism under the Rule of Law. Their concept involves a left-wing majority parliament taking over the powers of the Constitutional Court and then, by a parliamentary resolution and in the absence of the necessary electoral legitimacy, declare the Basic Law and several laws requiring a two-thirds consensus invalid by a simple majority vote.
Another instance of similarity to the events in Poland is the previous pledge made by Marton Tompos's party colleague Andras Fekete-Gyor to ban on political grounds all media professionals who in the course of their work express opinions he does not like.
It was also memorable when in December 2018, a group of left-wing politicians abused their right to immunity, by illegally and with physical violence entering the headquarters of Hungarian public media MTVA, where they obstructed program production with their threatening behavior.
And leftist, failed PM Ferenc Gyurcsany, ever the pro-European and rule of law vocal advocate, has taken threats to new heights, proving what his concept of democracy really looks like. One of the most noteworthy of these was when he lashed out at theater director Attila Vidnyanszky for being appointed chairman of the board of trustees of the Foundation for the University of Theater and Film Arts. "Nothing can be done now. We have to prepare. Vidnyanszky and his colleagues will be in place as long as Orban is. Then they will fall. Big time! In every sense, they will be outlaws. There will be no burying of the hatchet. They will be in parenthesis. It'll be a vacuum for those who killed Hungarian freedom," wrote the chairman of the DK party which calls itself the "most pro-European party". On another occasion, he put it more bluntly:
You'll wind up in prison, boys and girls, deservedly so. And then you can can converse with each other about the superiority of civil morality. I've seen it in movies, that you have to bang on the pipes with a spoon. Start learning the technique. You'll need it.
Cover photo: Ferenc Gyurcsany, head of the Democratic Coalition (DK) party among his party colleagues (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)
További IN ENGLISH híreink
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