– The upcoming local and European Parliament (EP) elections are crucial for the success of Hungary's fight to defend its sovereignty, as protecting Hungary's interests has only been possible so far through exceptional political stability, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Bekes county, on Monday. At a panel discussion, Hungary's foreign minister delved into the serious crises of recent years that have repeatedly disrupted the global economic status quo, stressing that despite these challenges, Hungary has effectively defended its interests.
Hungary FM: Upcoming Elections Are Key in Our Fight to Protect Sovereignty
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto addressed the significant crises of recent years, which have repeatedly disrupted the global economic status quo, emphasizing Hungary's ability to defend itself and its interests.
Mr Szijjarto recalled the swift vaccination campaign during the coronavirus pandemic, the successful investment stimulus program and the fact that Hungary has managed to stay out of the Ukraine war despite the immense pressure, and that the government did not take a single decision that would have risked escalation.
We have managed to maintain the only morally tenable position: to take a peace-building approach that could save lives and reduce the devastation, Mr Szijjarto explained.
He also highlighted that, following the outbreak of the conflict in the Middle East, they've managed to bring the Hungarians home from Israel, and that - with one exception - all the Hungarian hostages have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip.
He emphasized that all of this was achievable due to Hungary's exceptional political stability in Europe. "If this was different, we would have also fallen victim to the pressure exerted by the liberal world. We would be unable to pursue a policy focused on national interests and would be compelled to align with the prevailing trend," he opined.
To underscore his point, he elaborated on how he observes many of his colleagues suffering because they wish to express different opinions from the ones dictated by their circumstances. While he receives encouragement from numerous European colleagues to persist, he noted that they hesitate to align with Hungary's stance in official debates.
Foreign Minister Szijjarto highlighted that defending Hungary so firmly would have been impossible if the election results in 2019 and 2022 had been different.
The upcoming years will also be filled with challenges. In a figurative sense, most certainly, and unfortunately, perhaps also in a literal sense, because we will have to combat attacks that threaten our sovereignty in the coming period,
– he warned. We can observe the liberal mainstream attempting to exert dominance both at a European, and at a global level. Anything that aligns with nationalist, conservative, Christian, patriotic, and sovereignist values happens to be in their way. "However, this is precisely the type of government that we have, so we will persist in our fight in the upcoming years for the interests of our country and its people," he added.
Crucial European Parliament (EP) election approaching
FM Szijjarto described peace and migration as two high-stakes issues in the upcoming EP elections, contending that achieving a pro-peace and anti-migration shift hinges on a right-wing turn. He emphasized the importance of patriotic, right-wing parties - like "ours," rooted in the pursuit of national interests - gaining momentum to challenge the prevailing socialist, green, liberal, and far-left majority.
If this succeeds, we can bolster the political agenda advocating against migration and promoting peace on a European scale," making Hungary's job much easier than it is now, swimming against the tide.
The V4 is stable
The foreign minister described the Visegrad cooperation one of the most central issues of Hungary's foreign policy, stressing that Hungary is deeply embedded in European and global politics and economics, and that joint action has proven much more effective on several issues crucial for the future of the nation than individual efforts.
Mr Szijjarto pointed out that the stance taken by the Visegrad Group against mandatory resettlement quotas has been crucial in preventing tens or hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants from roaming the streets in Central Europe. He cited this as a prime example that helps people understand why the global mainstream and larger European countries oppose the functioning of the Visegrad Group,
– Mr Szijjarto said. "For the big countries, it's way easier to dictate terms on key issues and determine the course of action themselves, expecting smaller states to comply obediently," he added.
Cover photo: Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
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