The Biggest Ever, Life-Changing Peace March Starts Today

In the early afternoon, the tenth peace march will leave for Margaret Island, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban will deliver a speech at 3 pm. "The eyes of Europe and the world will be on us this Saturday, and they will see what Hungarians think, what they want and how strong they are," Fidesz's communications chief Tamas Menczer said. Zsolt Bayer, Magyar Nemzet's publicist, emphasized that this is the first peace march that is not just about standing up for the government, but about our Europe, which certain people would like to eradicate and abolish for some reason.

2024. 06. 01. 10:26
Peace March in Budapest, 2022 (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Europe's largest peace march is being organized in Budapest today. These are key pieces of information regarding the event. According to plans:

  • the rally will start at 11 am on the Pest side of the Chain Bridge,  
  • the march itself will leave for Margaret Island after 1 pm. 
  • Alexandra Szentkiralyi, the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) coalition's mayoral candidate, will await participants from the various Budapest districts at the bridgehead on the Buda side (at the 0 km mark on Clark Adam Square) at 12.40 pm, from where they'll leave together towards the venue. 

On Margaret Island, Prime Minister Viktor Orban will give a speech at 3 pm. 


Our destiny is in our hands

– The situation is extremely serious, but among all the bad news, the good news is that our fate is in our hands," said Tamas Menczer in a Facebook video. The communications chief of the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance urged everyone who can to participate in the peace march, Europe's largest, on June 1. He said "the eyes of Europe and the world will be on us this Saturday when the peace march starts, and they will see what Hungarians think, what they want and how strong they are. In the face of pressure and the countless attacks on us, we must never forget that our political community is the most successful and strongest in Europe and even in the world," the communications chief emphasized. 

He recalled that they have won four elections by a two-thirds majority, adding that no one else was capable of that. 

Mr Menczer asked his audience to tell everyone to hold their heads up high during the run-up and to complete their jobs in these final days with straight backs and chests out. He added that if they can do that, they will have a good and productive Sunday on June 9.

– This will be preceded by a nice Saturday on June 1, and everyone will see what the Hungarians want," Fidesz-KDNP's communications director said.

War or Peace

– This is the first peace march that is not just about standing up for the government - although it's partly about that, too - but also about our Europe, which certain people would like to eradicate, dismantle, change, both culturally and ethnically, and even drag into war. 

Those who reject this should come and join our peace march on Saturday, and let's show that normal people are in the majority! 

– said Zsolt Bayer, Magyar Nemzet's publicist, in an interview with the Hungarian Origo news site. He also emphasized that all those who want to maintain, get back, preserve and save the old Europe should come and attand Saturday's peace march.


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