European Parliament Would Bring War to Our Country

The pro-war Left in Europe is once again on the offensive against Hungary and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The majority in the EP is visibly terrified by the PM's peace mission.

Forrás: Facebook, MTI2024. 07. 18. 12:47
European Parliament building in Strasbourg on July 17, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It is unacceptable that the left wing of the European Parliament in its resolution on Ukraine is once again attacking Hungary and the Hungarian prime minister, wrote MEP Kinga Gal in a post on her social media page.

The first vice president of the Patriots for Europe group added:

In their pro-war bias they are more critical of Prime Minister Viktor Orban than they are of the Russian aggressor.

The new European Parliament, which was formed this week, adopted its first official resolution at its plenary session in Strasbourg on Wednesday, in which the majority of MEPs continue to call for strong support for Ukraine. The EP continues to support Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. The resolution also calls on the EU to maintain and extend its sanctions policy against Russia and Belarus, to monitor and review its efficacy and impact, and to prevent circumvention of restrictive measures.

MEPs also condemned Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's recent visit to Russia, which they said does not represent the EU and violates EU treaties and common foreign policy, including the principle of sincere or loyal cooperation.

The resolution states that "this violation must have consequences for Hungary".

At a press conference on the adoption of the resolution, Fidesz MEP Viktoria Ferenc said that since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the people of the country have been suffering immeasurably. The everyday life of the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia has also changed and this is perhaps the most trying period in the history of the community. The MEP of Transcarpathian origin condemned last week's Russian attack on a children's hospital in Kyiv.

In her opinion, such tragedies could be avoided by restoring peace, and Hungary has opened diplomatic channels to this end.

Even before that, Hungary had already been helping neighboring Ukraine in numerous ways: through humanitarian aid, financial assistance and the reception of refugees. It has also supported Ukraine's rapprochement with the European Union from the outset, including the restoration of the rights of the indigenous Hungarian community in Transcarpathia,

 Viktoria Ferenc pointed out.

In his statement, Fidesz MEP Andras Laszlo said that the left-wing majority in the European Parliament, together with the European People's Party (EPP), is visibly completely horrified by the idea that Prime Minister Viktor Orban has recently initiated a peace mission and met with the leaders of the biggest countries and powers.

He stressed that Hungary is trying to bring the war in Ukraine to an end by peaceful means and by opening diplomatic channels.

We are finding that the European Parliament is not at all open to this, and has adopted a completely antithetical resolution, in which it would provide all means of military assistance to Ukraine and without any time limit,

he pointed out.

In her Facebook post, Kinga Gal also recalled that the pro-war Left in Europe has once again launched an attack against Hungary and Prime Minister Viktor Orban because we are pro-peace.

But they have raised the stakes: they now demand the use of Western weapons against Russian territory. This would bring open war upon us. We demand a stop to the killing and destruction, a prompt ceasefire and peace negotiations,

the group VP stressed.

"On behalf of the Patriots for Europe Group, we have submitted an alternative resolution urging diplomatic efforts and stressing the importance of peace. In addition, it calls on Ukraine to respect the rights of national minorities and to fulfill its commitments in this regard," the Fidesz politician wrote.

Cover photo: European Parliament building in Strasbourg on July 17, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)


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