This Year's Tranzit Festival Once Again Offers Meaningful Discussions

The festival organizers reveal how this year's event will be different from last year's and why.

2024. 08. 14. 11:15
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Tranzit Festival in Tihany, Hungary's largest get-together with a focus on political and public life, will be held with almost a hundred presenters and thousands of participants from August 22 to 25, the organizer Kommentar (Commentary) Foundation announced. The annual event, held for the seventh time, will bring together all the major right-wing, sovereignist communities. 

In the town of  Tihany, on Lake Balaton's shore, all the topics that can help Hungary become a winner in today's changing world order will be discussed, the organizers said. Thus the discussions will zoom in on civilizational challenges, sovereignty, economic issues and the state of European cooperation.

The Tranzit Festival has always been home to meaningful debates, and this year will be no different, the organizers emphasized. 

However, unlike in previous years, it will not be decision-makers debating with each other, as parties from the opposition did not agree to participate.

"Our invitation was declined by several politicians from opposition parties including the Democratic Coalition (DK), the Momentum Party, the Dialogue-Greens and the Tisza Party," the organizers said.

In addition to the discussions, several ministers in office will give presentations including Minister for EU Affairs Janos Boka,  Culture and Innovation Minister Balazs Hanko, Construction and Investment Minister Janos Lazar, Agriculture Minister Istvan Nagy, Minister of the PM's Cabinet Antal Rogan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto and Justice Minister Bence Tuzson, among others.  The debates and morning presentations can be followed live on Tranzit's Facebook page, the statement said.

Cover photo: Last year's Tranzit Festival (Source: Tranzit)

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