"Throughout history, Hungary has always been a meeting point between the East and West. Given its historical experience and geographical location, it is in Hungary's interest to maintain orderly relations with all the countries in the world, and to be open to mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation," Istvan Simicsko, parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP), told Magyar Nemzet in an interview.
Istvan Simicsko: We Want No Economic Iron Curtain
The national consultation survey aims to find out what direction citizens think is right on important issues, Istvan Simicsko told Magyar Nemzet. As the result will be taken into account by the government when making decisions, it is important that as many people as possible participate in the consultation, said the parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democrats.
When in the past the two halves of the world sought conflict and estrangement from time to time instead of cooperation, Hungary through no fault of its own, was driven to the periphery, became a buffer zone, and found itself behind a wall erected against each other by the world's great powers, he pointed out. Today, Brussels is not interested in Hungary's economic independence and wants to see trade relations with China and Russia severed, he said.
This would entail serious consequences: an energy crisis, high inflation, skyrocketing food prices. We do not want an economic iron curtain,
stressed the politician from the co-ruling Christian Democrats.
The national consultation survey aims to find out what direction citizens think is right on important issues, and what decisions they expect the government to make. Those who fill in the questionnaires and return them by post or electronically will have their views reflected when the results are processed. The result will be taken into account by the government when making decisions. It is therefore important that as many people as possible participate in the consultation,
said Istvan Simicsko in the context of the national consultation survey to be launched on Monday.
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He pointed out that Hungary has often been the target of vile, baseless attacks, a subject of show-trial rule of law procedures, calling into question the democratic nature of Hungarian institutions.
The national consultation process is more than a decade-long tradition for the political right. Nothing could be more democratic than asking the people themselves on issues that directly affect them,
he added.
Istvan Simicsko said that the people, together with the government, must set the economic policy goals to be pursued, while we must preserve our achievements reached so far. He highlighted that the performance of Hungary's economy is expected to allow for a gross average salary of one million Hungarian forints within the foreseeable future and for the minimum wage to reach one thousand euros. For his part, he considers it justified to raise the wages of nurses working in elderly care homes.
The cabinet plans to introduce an interest-free loan for young workers, similar to the student loan. In addition to workers, we must also support small and medium-sized enterprises, being the engine of the economy. The significant rise in home purchase prices justifies keeping housing within reach for people by encouraging home building and providing low-interest bank loans. These are serious objectives, while we must preserve our family support system and utility price cut scheme,
he explained.
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On how to achieve the economic goals set, the parliamentary group leader said that Hungary must pursue an economic policy of neutrality in a world where blocs are taking shape and develop the best possible cooperation with all its partners. He noted that we are members of the European Union, our main military ally is the United States, and we belong to the Western world, but thanks to the policy of opening to the East we have also built up important relations in Asia and other regions of the world.
Europe is not in a good position. Its role in world politics is declining, its economic weight is shrinking, Brussels' policy is a complete failure and is causing irreparable damage to the continent. If we were to think only in terms of the opportunities ensured by the European Union, we would never be able to overcome the current order of power. Only by raising our trade relations with the rest of the world to a high level can we achieve economic growth above the European Union average,
he added.
Cover photo: Istvan Simicsko, parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democratic People's Party (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
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