Mate Kocsis: Protecting Pensioners a Matter of Honor

All retirees will receive their 13th-month pension payment.

2025. 01. 02. 8:41
Illustration (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)
Illustration (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Protecting pensioners is a matter of honor,” Mate Kocsis wrote on his Facebook page. Fidesz's parliamentary group leader announced that this year’s budget guarantees the payment of the 13th-month bonus pension, ensuring that all eligible retirees will receive it in February.

This year, pensions will increase by 3.2 percent. In addition, disability benefits, survivor’s pensions, parental pensions, orphan allowances, accident survivor pensions, early retirement benefits, rehabilitation allowances, accident annuities, disability support, and personal allowances for the blind will all see increases.

The increased amounts will be included in the January payments to all eligible recipients, 

and if someone receives multiple types of benefits simultaneously, each will be increased separately.


Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)


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