Serbia Has Two Options: Forming A New Government or Early Elections

Aleksandar Vucic stated that following the resignation of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic, he will convene meetings with all relevant parties to form a new government or decide on calling new elections. The Serbian president ruled out the possibility of an interim government. To better understand the current political situation, Magyar Nemzet asked historian Gabor Gergely Barath to provided insight into the ongoing protests in Serbia and the likely political developments.

2025. 01. 29. 13:27
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The events of the past three months and the heightened tensions led to Prime Minister Milos Vucevic’s resignation," the expert said.

Szerbia utcáin rengeteg a tüntető.
Crowds of protesters on the streets in Serbia (Photo: AFP)

Serbia’s streets have been filled with protesters. On November 1, a tragic event in Novi Sad triggered student demonstrations, with university students blockading campuses and presenting four demands to the government. They were soon joined by agricultural workers, teachers, graduating students, and ordinary citizens,

Barath explained that protests and demonstrations have become a constant phenomenon across Serbia in recent weeks.

Throughout 2024, agricultural workers and education unions staged multiple protests, so their support for the students was unsurprising." He also pointed out that "the Serbian opposition had been obstructing parliamentary work for the past two to three months, particularly during crucial decisions like the approval of the 2025 national budget. Unfortunately, the public has witnessed behavior unfitting in Parliament, with opposition MPs engaging in disruptive performances,

the historian stressed.

The protests have led to roadblocks at major intersections, disrupting traffic for varying periods.

President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Vucevic, and House Speaker Ana Brnabic addressed the students' demands in a press conference on Monday evening, stating that the government had met or was in the process of meeting their requests. They adopted a conciliatory tone, inviting students to dialogue. Despite roadblocks—such as the closure of Belgrade’s busiest intersections—being illegal, the police did not intervene. Instead, they protected students to prevent clashes,

the expert said, also noting that tensions unfortunately escalated when 

students in Novi Sad were attacked early Tuesday morning. "That was the last straw," Barath said. Later that morning, the prime minister announced his resignation.

Commenting on the PM stepping down, Barath noted that 

Vucevic took responsibility for recent events, particularly given that he is from Novi Sad, where the attack occurred. His resignation was aimed at easing tensions and reducing societal divisions.

In a press conference, President Vucic condemned the attack on students and announced that within ten days, it would be decided whether a new government would be formed or early elections would be held.

For now, the current government will continue in a technical capacity. Vucic ruled out forming a transitional or expert government. He also announced that as president, he would grant amnesty to the thirteen students and teachers facing legal proceedings brought due to the protests of the last weeks and months. (...) Despite the government announcements of the past two days, the demonstrations continue.


Outgoing Prime Minister Vucevic suggested foreign interference behind the protests, a claim echoed by President Vucic. Barath also addressed the question of who might benefit from the downfall of Serbia’s pro-peace government.

The European Parliament’s Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group has expressed support for the protesting students, which is not surprising, given that the Serbian government is against war and promotes peace. The socialists are using these protests for political purposes,

the expert stated.

Cover Photo: Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (Photo: AFP)

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