Germans' Sense of Safety Hits Record Lows

With each passing year, Germans are feeling increasingly less safe and more afraid. One of the main reasons cited is immigration. This was revealed in a survey conducted by the Allensbach Institute, a private polling research organization which publishes an annual report on German public opinion for the Private Center for Strategic and Higher Leadership in Germany.

Forrás: V4NA2025. 02. 12. 15:33
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to the latest survey, the proportion of Germans who feel safe in their own country has dropped by one percentage point since last year, reaching 60%, a new record low. Between 2019 and 2022, polls showed that 71-82% of Germans felt safe in the country, V4NA pointed out.

A németek egyre jobban félnek – a német rendőrség is figyelmeztetést küldött a kormánynak
Germans are increasingly more afraid in their country – Germany's police sound the alarm, warning the government
Photo: AFP

The present survey also asked respondents whether they believe there are too many foreigners or refugees living in Germany. The results revealed that:

81% of the German population believes there are too many migrants in Germany. The break down between West and East Germans is 80% and 95% respectively.

The findings clearly indicate that Germans are not only frustrated with illegal migrants but are also utterly opposed to the massive influx of foreigners into the country.

Furthermore, 30% of respondents reported fearing that they could randomly become victims of violent criminals. This is a significant increase from 14% in 2022,

the RMX News portal pointed out.

Notably, the survey was conducted before the devastating attack on January 22, when an illegal Afghan migrant assaulted a group of kindergarten children in Aschaffenburg, Germany. The attacker killed two people, including a two-year-old baby boy, and injured three others. The incident shook Germany and further fueled concerns about migrant-related crime.

German police sound the alarm

Meanwhile, German police are increasingly demanding the government to rethink its migration policy, as the number of serious crimes committed by migrants has risen significantly in recent period, the Magyar Nemzet also reported. Manuel Ostermann, vice president of the German Police Union (DPolG), harshly criticized the policies of the Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the Left, blaming them for the deterioration of public safety.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Ostermann warned that „gang rapes and other serious sexual crimes are committed daily”, which he claims are largely linked to migrants.

The vice president argued that the government had the opportunity to tighten migration regulations and ensure citizens’ safety, but instead, its decisions are driven by political ideology. Despite these concerns, on Friday the German Parliament rejected a migration bill proposed by the CDU, which aimed to introduce stricter immigration rules in Germany.

Cover photo: German police (illustration) (Photo: AFP)

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