Independent MP Hadhazy Akos's illegal bridge-blocking action could have serious legal consequences, Zoltan Lomnici Jr., the scientific director of the Szazadveg Institute, told our newspaper.
As Magyar Nemzet highlighted earlier, Hungary's National Assembly passed a proposal on Tuesday with 136 votes in favor to amend Act LV of 2018 on the Right of Assembly in connection with child protection and related laws. According to the adopted proposal, Pride marches will no longer be permitted in the future.

Momentum's lawmakers attempted to disrupt the vote with scandalous behavior. Later, they organized a protest in Kossuth Square, before the parliament building. Afterwards, under the leadership of independent MP Akos Hadhazy, part of the crowd marched over to Margit Bridge and held a demonstration without notifying the authorities.
Anyone organizing a gathering subject to notification requirements without informing the relevant authorities commits an infraction. This can result in a fine, community service, or, in more severe cases, administrative detention, which can only be imposed by a court,
– the scientific director pointed out. He added that judicial practice holds organizers of such demonstrations particularly accountable, and in certain cases, they may even face liability for damages, especially if a demonstration loses its peaceful nature.

Zoltan Lomnici Jr. also noted that the disruptions during the vote could have serious consequences. He highlighted that any representative who disrupts a session, debate, or vote may be excluded from the session by the presiding chair or be immediately expelled. Additionally,
the Speaker of the National Assembly may impose a financial penalty in the form of a salary reduction.
The scientific director emphasized that based on the MPs' scandalous behavior, the representatives may have committed the offense of "unauthorized public security activity", as well as violations related to "civilian-use explosives and pyrotechnic products.

He stated that the aforementioned penalties could also be imposed in this case. However, if an infraction procedure is initiated, the Chief Prosecutor must submit a motion to the Speaker of the National Assembly for the suspension of parliamentary immunity.
During the disorder at the vote, opposition MP Agnes Kunhalmi began choking due to the heavy smoke, while Fidesz representative Gabor Banyai required urgent medical attention. Zoltan Lomnici Jr. pointed out that Momentum members could also be charged with endangering others in the course of their duties. "Anyone who, by violating occupational safety regulations, intentionally puts another person's life, physical integrity, or health in immediate danger or causes bodily harm can be sentenced to five to ten years in prison in more severe cases," he emphasized.