NATO General: Viktor Orban Tried to Lead Europe Out of a Dead End

In an interview with Die Weltwoche, retired NATO General Harald Kujat spoke about the Russia–Ukraine war, Europe's response, and the possible resolution of the conflict. According to the general, Donald Trump and Viktor Orban are pointing in the right direction.

2025. 03. 03. 12:07
Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Viktor (Photo: AFP / Anadolu)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Western leaders and the mainstream media are increasingly ignoring reality when it comes to the war in Ukraine, Harald Kujat emphasized in the interview. The United States is leaning more toward peace, while Europe, having learned nothing from its own history, continues to opt for escalation. Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to end the war, whereas Volodymyr Zelensky remains committed to continuing the fight—a fight that is only possible with American support, as the Ukrainian military would have collapsed long ago without it.

Harald Kujat nyugalmazott NATO-tábornok szerint Orbán Viktor vezetheti ki Európát a zsákutcából
According to retired NATO General Harald Kujat, Orban Viktor could lead Europe out of the dead end. Photo: AFP

The crucial point, in fact, is that Trump is determined to end this war and the bloodshed,

 – said Harald Kujat, the former NATO military chief.


Viktor Orban’s peace policy is the solution

While Europe suffers from war hysteria, only one leader has consistently stood by peace: Orban Viktor. From the very beginning of the war, the Hungarian prime minister has made it clear that a political settlement is needed instead of a military solution. While Western leaders have been caught up in a kind of war frenzy, Mr. Orban is the only European politician who has recognized that continuing the conflict is placing an increasing burden on Europe.

For weeks now, Europe has been operating like a headless chicken coop,

 – Mr. Kujat remarked with irony, referring to European leaders’ failure to grasp reality.


Viktor Orban warned Europe

Mr. Kujat stressed that Europe is heading in entirely the wrong direction, while Orban Viktor identified this danger early on:

We can see that the situation has been completely misunderstood—not just now, but for three years. Orban Viktor has tried to lead Europe out of this dead end, recognizing that the continent has no peace strategy. Instead, its leaders are driven by a single goal: continuing the war.

Hungary's prime minister is the only politician who has consistently warned that Ukraine cannot achieve military victory and that peace must be secured through political means. As Mr. Kujat put it:

A war always stems from a political situation, and it must lead to a new political agreement. European leaders have entirely ignored this and have focused all their energy on sustaining the war.


Trump, Orban, and peace

The meeting between Trump and Zelensky in Washington once again highlighted that the Ukrainian president is trying to prolong a war that much of the world already sees as inevitably coming to an end..

Ukraine’s military defeat is unavoidable unless an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations are initiated,

 – Mr. Kujat emphasized.

Trump has long warned that escalating the war goes against U.S. interests, as it carries the risk of a third world war. European leaders, on the other hand, are blindly following Zelensky down a path that could lead to total collapse.


Europe at a crossroads

The question is simple: will European leaders finally recognize reality and step away from war hysteria, or will they continue to be dragged into a conflict that could be catastrophic not only for Ukraine but for the whole of Europe?

This war cannot be won, and anyone with even a basic understanding of strategy and security policy knows it,

 – Mr. Kujat stated, adding that Europe should follow America’s path toward peace.


Cover image: Hungarian Prime Minister Orban Viktor (Photo: AFP/Anadolu)


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