The Latest Constitutional Amendment Has Been Submitted—Here Are the Details

Fidesz’s parliamentary group took action.

2025. 03. 12. 13:14
MPs after the vote at parliament's extraordinary plenary session on July 19, 2022. On the initiative of the governing parties, the 11th amendment to Hungary's Fundamental Law was adopted by a two-thirds majority of 140 votes in favor,and 36 against. (Photo: MTI / Szilard Koszticsak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

After final revisions, we have submitted the amendment to the Fundamental Law to parliament,” Fidesz’s parliamentary group announced early this morning on its social media page.

They wrote: 

The Western world is increasingly attacking values that were once taken for granted, particularly the institution of the family and national identity.

The amendment responds to these challenges. The key points:

  • The proposal states in the article on families that a human being is either male or female.
  • Cash transactions will receive constitutional protection: everyone has the right to pay with cash.
  • Nothing is more important than protecting our children. The amendment stipulates that every child has the right to the protection and care necessary for their proper physical, mental, and moral development. This right takes precedence over all other fundamental rights, except the right to life.
  • The proposal allows for the suspension of Hungarian citizenship for individuals with dual citizenship who pose a threat to Hungary’s public order, public safety, or national security. Those whose citizenship is suspended may be expelled from Hungary.
  • The amendment specifies that the production, use, distribution, and promotion of drugs are prohibited in Hungary. 

“All members of the governing party’s parliamentary groups have joined in supporting the amendment to the Fundamental Law. Our goal is to preserve Hungary’s core values for future generations,” they stated.

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