Hungarian House Speaker: We must be even more determined in defending Hungary's national interests

Hungary must maintain its pro-peace stance, the Speaker of Hungary's National Assembly, Laszlo Kover, told commercial HirTV in a recent interview. The Hungarian politician emphasized that the Hungarian government had a duty to prevent Hungary from drifting into the war, regardless of what it takes.

Magyar Nemzet
Forrás: HirTV2023. 06. 03. 14:07
KÖVÉR László; BUSZAIDI, Badr bin Hamad bin Hamud al
Budapest, 2022. december 14. Kövér László, az Országgyûlés elnöke (j) fogadja Badr bin Hamad bin Hamud al Buszaidi ománi külügyminisztert az Országház Pázmándy termében 2022. december 14-én. MTI/Máthé Zoltán Fotó: Máthé Zoltán
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Laszlo Kover recalled that if what Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony said was true - that we are actually at war with Russia - it would cause way more damage than what we now have to suffer as a consequence of the government’s current international policy. Regarding the question as to why the pro-peace stance does not enjoy a national consensus, the House Speaker explained that 

although these politicians claim that they are part of the nation and represent national interests, this is not the case. They actually represent foreign interests. We have been talking about a ‘Dollar Left’ for months now for a good reason, but now I think they are not even ashamed of being on the payroll of foreign powers, if they ever had such shame. They are not ashamed of pursuing policies that is not in line with what they believe to be in the Hungarian people's best interests. […] On the issue of peace, a significant portion of the opposition sympathizers happen to agree with the government, rather than the opposition's view. The opposition is trying to do the bidding of its foreign sponsors to ensure that they continue to receive their millions of dollars. And we understand that certain players in the West are ready and willing to support them.

The developed West has reached a point where they are taking our money like highway thieves and threatening to practically make us a pariah within a federal system that is supposedly based on equality, House Speaker Kover said. In such a situation, we must be even more determined in defending Hungary's national interests, because we must get out of this moral impasse, he added. We must reach the wall, and at that point we must ask which European politicians took a stand against the clear interests of Europe, and why.

With regard to the fact that the European Parliament adopted a resolution against Hungary, Mr Kover said that this was not Hungary's problem, adding that those who have targeted Hungary are in fact destroying the European Union and its moral credibility.



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