Europe Needs Hungarian Instead of Brussels Plan

The Center for Fundamental Rights published an analysis of Viktor Orban's speech.

2023. 11. 19. 11:13
ORBÁN Viktor
Budapest, 2023. november 18. Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök, a Fidesz újraválasztott elnöke beszédet mond a Fidesz Magyar Polgári Szövetség tisztújító kongresszusán a Hungexpón 2023. november 18-án. MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd Fotó: Koszticsák Szilárd
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke about the foundations of a new European era at the Fidesz renewal congress on Saturday, the Center for Fundamental Rights concludes. Hungarian ruling party president proposed to the decision-makers and leaders in Brussels the national strategy of the European Right's most successful political community, which is based on five pillars: green transition without green ideology, national and international peace, work-based economy, strong family policy free of gender ideology, and connecting West and East instead of isolating.

According to the PM's assessment of the situation, at the moment 

two models are competing with each other on the cusp of the transforming world order in Europe: the Brussels and the Hungarian one.

The former, he says, should be rejected, as it leads the European Union into a political, social, economic and cultural dead end, by focusing on the United States of Europe which undermines national sovereignty, on illegal immigration instead of families, on policies producing continental decline instead of advancement in world economic competition, and by focusing on gender ideology instead of child protection. In contrast, the Hungarian Right's recipe for success is not only feasible at member state level, but also at the European level.

The Hungarian proposal is about achieving change.

Full employment, strong families, national reunification, decreasing debt, low taxes, investments arriving in droves, trade and cooperation with all countries of the world, as well as a rational green transition and introducing the most modern technologies throughout Hungary - this is the Hungarian model for Europe.

The green transition must be based on respect for a healthy and natural world, aligned with the order of Creation, and on the harmonization of production and storage. Hungary has entered into this new global economic race, and within a decade could become the flagship of a genuine green policy at an international level," says the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Cover photo: Viktor Orban at the Fidesz Party Congress (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)

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