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15:002024. június 22.
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18:002024. június 22.

Hungarian MEP Hurls Scathing Rebuke at Von der Leyen

Today, Brussels began its attack on Hungary's national consultation survey and will do everything to silence the Hungarian people, state secretary Zoltan Kovacs said.

2023. 11. 21. 18:06
Budapest, 2020. december 19. Deutsch Tamás, a Fidesz-KDNP európai parlamenti (EP-) delegációvezetõje sajtótájékoztatót tart az Európai Parlament migrációs állásfoglalásáról, a Képviselõi Irodaházban, Budapesten 2020. december 19-én. Fokozatosan, "kíméletlen következetességgel" folyik a Soros-terv végrehajtása az európai és a magyar baloldal aktív közremûködésével - jelentette ki Deutsch Tamás. MTI/Mohai Balázs Fotó: Mohai Balázs
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

We asked Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch for his thoughts on an absurd statement uttered recently by European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer, who described the questions of Hungary's national consultation survey as "lies." In response to our question, the Hungarian politician explained that

those who dance to Brussels' tunes are always telling the truth, according to Brussels; whereas those who don't dance to Brussels' tunes, well, their credibility is always questioned in Brussels. Brussels' behavior is determined by the fact that if you step out of line, there's no treat for you. However, we are far more concerned about defending Hungary's national sovereignty than about nurturing the souls of Brussels bureaucrats.

For a balanced coverage, we asked not just the Hungarian MEP, but also the Commission, about why they are so eager to determine the opinion of Hungarians. Unsurprisingly, we have yet to receive their reply. 

Today, Brussels began its attack on Hungary's national consultation and will do everything to silence the Hungarian people, the state secretary in charge of international communication and relations - Zoltan Kovacs - wrote in a post on his social media He said:

Does Brussels want to settle in migrants? YES. Does Brussels want to give more money to Ukraine? YES. Does Brussels want to give Ukraine more weapons? YES. Does Brussels want to abolish Hungary's child protection law? YES. Does Brussels want to abolish the utility bill reduction scheme? YES. Does Brussels want to abolish the interest rate freeze? YES. Does Brussels want to abolish the extra profit tax in Hungary? YES. Do they want to influence Hungarian politics with money from Brussels and overseas? YES. Does Brussels want to allow genetically modified Ukrainian grain in? YES. Brussels does not like the fact that Hungary does not dance to their tune.

 As we mentioned in an earlier piece, the European Commission's spokesperson, when asked by Euronews, described the questions in Hungary's national consultation survey as lies and suggested that Hungarians who want to stay informed should rely on information provided by European Commission sources.


What is particularly odd is that Mr Mamer, despite his insistence throughout the press briefing that they are not concerned with the national consultation, has expressed a sharp opinion. In fact, it turns out that he's the one who showed EC President Ursula von der Leyen a photo taken of one of the Hungarian billboards.

The new national consultation is centered around the issue of protecting Hungary's sovereignty. Respondents can express their views on issues affecting the country's economy and security. They can show support the government's utility bill reduction scheme and interest rate freeze, as well as reject Brussels' migration plans and the further arming of Ukraine. The consultation questionnaires will be delivered to all households by Christmas at the latest and will also be available online.

Cover photo: MEP Tamas Deutsch, head of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) delegation to the European Parliament (EP), holds a press conference on the European Parliament's resolution on migration at the Members' Office in Budapest on December 19, 2020. The Soros plan is being implemented gradually, with "ruthless consistency", with the active participation of the European and Hungarian left, Mr Deutsch told the EP's opening session in Brussels, on June 19. (Photo: MTI/Balazs Mohai )

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