The focus of the European Court of Auditors' report was on whether the EU rules were consistently and effectively applied by the Brussels institutions, with a particular emphasis on the Commission. Two aspects of the report are worth noting: one is the issue of vaccines from 2020, the other is the withholding of funds due to Hungary, as highlighted by Peter Torcsi, director of operations at the Center for Fundamental Rights, at the think tank's press briefing.
In Brussels, The Hunting Season Is On
As the campaign season intensifies, sovereign governments can expect increasingly harsh attacks. A report by the European Court of Auditors confirms that the Brussels institutions are working in concert to put globalist interests ahead of European citizens, experts told a press conference held by the Center for Fundamental Rights.
It is striking how the European Court of Auditors' (ECA) report only mildly rebuked the Commission regarding the disconcerting issue of vaccine procurements in terms of EU procedures and transparency.
Concerning Hungary, the European Commission continues to withhold two-thirds of the funds that the country is entitled to from the seven-year budget and the recovery fund.
The ECA has not issued any criticism to the European Commission regarding this issue,
– Mr Torcsi pointed out. He said EU officials have openly admitted that the reason for this is Hungary's child protection laws – an area falling within the member states' remit – which, as such, should play no role in the fate of EU funds.
There's a political witch-hunt against the Hungarian government because of its sovereignist and conservative stance, which is why the country suffers financially, the director said.
The European Court of Auditors' report also shows that the EU institutions are working in harmony alongside a kind of progressive, left-wing, liberal agenda,
– Peter Torcsi concluded.
With regard to the issue of child protection, he said the government is planning to introduce new, stricter legislation. It appears that a national consensus is forming on this issue, and hopefully the left will join in, he added.
The hunting season is on in Brussels," Fanni Lajko, an analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, began her assessment. The prey, of course, would be the sovereignist governments that refuse to accept globalist objectives, such as gender ideology or migration, she said.
The international networks controlling Brussels are attempting to buy the morale of the left with money, and they are succeeding. Hungary has been under constant attack since the national government came to power. At first, they used softer instruments, such as the Tavares report and later the Sargentini report. However, when they saw that the Hungarian government was not scared, they resorted to more heavy-handed measures, adding financial pressure to political pressure," the analyst explained.
The first and most tangible example of this was the launch of the conditionality mechanism, which, not coincidentally, took place just after the 2022 parliamentary elections,
– Ms Lajko pointed out.
We witnessed the first offensive of this campaign in January, at the European Parliament's plenary session, where fourteen MEPs spoke out against Hungary. They demanded that the EC conclude the Article 7 procedure against Hungary as swiftly as possible, and refuse to pay a single cent to the Hungarian government.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
During the next step of the attack, one hundred and twenty MEPs signed a petition to have Hungary's voting rights in the Council of the EU revoked. EC President Ursula von der Leyen also spoke at the European Parliament's session in January, stating what we, Hungarians, have known for a long time:
the reason Hungary does not receive the EU funds that we're entitled to is because the country rejects migration and has a child protection law in force which, among other things, punishes pedophiles more severely than any other legislation in the past,
– the analyst said, adding that child protection is a red line that cannot be crossed by anyone, especially for political purposes.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Ursula von der Leyen is well aware of how big a threat the Hungarian government poses to her federalist goals, and she continually receives briefings on this from Soros's circles. We saw the most recent example this week, when Mrs von der Leyen announced that she would take on another term as Commission president, and then she conducted cordial discussions with Alexander Soros.
Let there be no doubt that the attacks on Hungary will get more and more severe as we approach June 9th,
– Ms Lajko said.
Concerning the European Court of Auditors' report, the analyst emphasized that they have highlighted numerous shortcomings in the EC's work. Nevertheless, according to the document, all decisions regarding the funds due to Hungary were completely in line with the regulations and there was not a word of criticism about the double standards applied against Hungary. The report is far from impartial, said the analyst, adding that it's a rather biased political judgement that relies on the opinions of organizations funded by the Soros empire, such as Amnesty International, Transparency International or Human Rights Watch.
This is why, together with the Szazadveg Foundation, the Danube Institute and the Nezopont Institute, we have jointly emphasized that we are not prepared to channel our views into these rule-of-law reports until they are taken into account,
– the analyst explained.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
According to think tank analyst Ms Lajko, we don't have to go as far as Brussels when it comes to attacks on Hungary, because the Hungarian left has also contributed to the witch-hunt against the government. Although they were badly busted after the 2022 elections for accepting billions from the Soros empire through Action for Democracy (A4D), this organization is now working to mobilize NGOs ahead of the European parliament elections in what they call "battleground states." These include Hungary and Italy, which have national governments, rather than liberal ones.
We can expect further attacks before the crucial EP elections and it is crucial that Hungary, as a state, reacts accordingly. This is why the Sovereignty Protection Act and the Sovereignty Protection Office, which are intended to prevent foreign interference, are of paramount importance.
It is clear that the EU institutions do not protect the interests of EU citizens, and it is therefore important that voters in the Member States listen to common sense at the polling booth, because
this situation in Brussels is untenable,
– said the analyst from the Center for Fundamental Rights, concluding her thoughts.
Cover photo: Director of Operations Peter Torcsi and Analyst Fanni Lajko at a press briefing by the Center for Fundamental Rights (Source: Center for Fundamental Rights)
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