Trump's Assassin Donated to the Democrats on the Same Platform That the Hungarian Left Used for Fundraising

The killer in Pennsylvania and the Hungarian Left both used the progressive fundraising platform ActBlue, which is closely linked to the Democratic Party in the US.

2024. 07. 15. 15:12
David Koranyi, head of Action for Democracy (Source: Wikipedia)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Donald Trump's assassin, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, made a donation to a progressive organization. The gunman paid the money intended for the project through the same fundraising platform linked to the Democratic Party that David Koranyi used for collecting money for the 2022  parliamentary election campaign run by the Hungarian left wing, the Hungarian Mandiner news portal writes.

Magyar Nemzet also covered news on the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, former US president and current Republican presidential candidate. The perpetrator - who was shot dead by secret service agents - opened fire at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania and wounded the Republican candidate. One spectator was killed and another person was seriously injured in the attack.

Federal Election Commission records show that on January 20, 2021 — the day of Biden's inauguration — Matthew Crooks made a small donation through the Democratic network ActBlue to the Progressive Turnout Project, which bills itself as "specifically dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic Party and defending democracy".

ActBlue is not unknown in Hungary

For the 2022 parliamentary elections in Hungary, the Left received more than three billion forints in donations from just 11 (micro)donors through the organization Action for Democracy (AfD) with links to David Koranyi, and 

the money was collected via the progressive fundraising platform ActBlue.

After the campaign financing scandal erupted, in response to a question from Telex, David Koranyi disclosed that in addition to the Action for Democracy website, many people signed up and sent donations through the ActBlue and Action Network platforms, as well as the Hungarian-language site, which targets Hungarian communities in Western Europe. He said that 

the organization reached out directly to supporters via email and social media, while many opted for bank transfers.


Cover photo: David Koranyi (Source: Wikipedia)

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