Balazs Orban: Pressman's Speech Sounded Like a Soros Empire-Issued Indictment, Rather Than a Neutral Diplomatic Opinion

"The US ambassador accuses others of dismantling democracy, while the opposition candidate in his own country faces constant danger during his campaign," the Hungarian PM's policy chief posted.

2024. 09. 19. 15:01
David Pressman, US Ambassador to Hungary (Photo: MTI)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.


The Hungarian PM's Policy Chief Balazs Orban reacted on his social media page to US Ambassador David Pressman's latest tirade attacking Hungary, yet again.

"Ambassador Pressman spoke at CEU today. We followed it attentively. It sounded more like an indictment from the Soros empire, than a neutral diplomatic opinion,"

the political director wrote. 

He also pointed out that "The Ambassador accuses others of dismantling democracy, while the opposition candidate in his own country faces constant danger during his campaign,"

He accuses others of political interference, while in Hungary he marches in the front row at political rallies and openly instructs opposition figures in Hungarian public life. (Not to mention the dollars rolling in from his political circles to the Hungarian opposition.)

"He accuses others of acting in an 'unaligned' [with allies] manner, while the danger of an escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war next door grows every day, largely because of the pro-war policies of his own government."

Balazs Orban concluded:  

Although America’s Democratic administration doesn’t make it easy to be friends these days, we will not give up, we will keep trying!

Cover photo: David Pressman, US Ambassador to Hungary  (Photo: MTI)

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