PM Orban: Brussels Set to Force a Puppet Government on Hungary +Video, Gallery

Hungary's prime minister delivers his address commemorating the 1956 Revolution.

2024. 10. 23. 14:02
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Millenaris Park in Budapest
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Millenaris Park in Budapest (Photo: Sandor Csudai)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We have come together to pay tribute and bow our heads to the heroes of the revolution," Viktor Orban said at the commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom fight. "This celebration is unusual because those who protected Hungary from the Danube flood a month ago are also here," Hungary's prime minister said at the Millenaris Park in Budapest. 

"What the water authorities, disaster protection services, soldiers, police officers and volunteers did was superhuman work. We have not lost a single human life, and we have kept the damage to a minimum," he recalled, thanking the people who helped in the flood defense.

When danger approaches, we must unite, and although the Hungarians are a proud and stubborn people, but they respect the rule of unity, because without unity there is no freedom, he said. "Without unity, foreigners would rule over us, we would be dispossessed and driven into debt slavery," he pointed out.

"The revolution was preceded by disasters. In January 1956, an earthquake shook the country, and in March icy flood waters struck the Danube region. Adults and children died. Hundreds of families became homeless and thousands were evacuated," PM Orban recalled, adding that

this was a warning sign that it was time to prepare for the big times that would require unity.

Then in October, after the Danube, history also left its course, Viktor Orban said. And the flood of history does not retreat in the afternoon, but follows its own way. This is the time when heroes are born, he pointed out.

"October 1956 inscribed the names of brave Hungarians in gold in the nation's great history boos, PM Orban said. In the autumn of 1956, history went out of its course because Hungary could no longer tolerate Soviet imperial oppression, as Hungarians are a freedom-loving people, he opined. The Hungarians have never been broken or tamed by any occupier.

Soviet oppression deprived Hungarian families of the hard work of generations. They wanted to place it in the service of the empire rather than in the service of the national interest. After the devastating world war, a puppet government was imposed on us, a puppet government with collaborating Hungarians in it. 
According to the prime minister, 

empires like to conceal the brutality of their intentions, they like to be invited in, and they will do everything in their power to ensure that there are Hungarians who invite them in.

The prime minister recalled that when the Hungarians defied the Soviets, electoral fraud was used to put the comrades in power.

"Hungarians will not tolerate humiliation, even though all the weapons of power and overwhelming dominance are in the others' hands. We fought the most brilliant fight for freedom in world history. We taught them once and for all to not hurt the Hungarian people," Viktor Orban stated indicating that the Soviets and their comrades understood this, pulling back their claws, and thirty-for years later withdrawing from Hungary. 

Photo: Sandor Csudai 


We only fight for Hungary

"Today, history is once again about to spill over the river banks. In the year ahead, it is not the river but history that must be kept contained in its channel," the prime minister said. Referring to the war in Ukraine, he said that hundreds of thousands of people had died on the front lines, and that the European economy had suffered a shot through the lungs.

"There is a growing chance that the war will spread, and if it does, who knows where it will stop. We have not been this close to world war in the last seventy years. The king is bare: the Brussels bureaucrats have led the West into a hopeless war, he noted.

They want to drag the whole EU into the war. The essence of the victory plan is to extend the war, invite Ukraine into NATO and move the war onto Russian soil. The plan is that once victory is won on the Eastern front, Ukraine with its own reinforced army takes over from the Americans the role of providing security for all of Europe. In other words,

we may one day wake up to find that Slavic soldiers from the East are once again stationed on Hungarian territory.

We don't want that, Viktor Orban said, adding that the pressure on the country and the government from Brussels is intensifying. "We Hungarians must also decide whether we want to go to war against Russia".

"For us, the lesson of 1956 is that we fight only for Hungary and Hungarian freedom," he said, noting that "the best thing we can do in the interest of Hungarian freedom is to not take part in other people's wars". In the prime minister's view,  

the entire European economy would be destroyed in this war, and millions of people would be ruined

if we let it continue like this.  "Well, let's not let it, my friends," he urged.

Photo: Sandor Csudai 


A new empire wants a puppet government in Hungary

The prime minister pointed out that "They announced in Brussels that they will get rid of Hungary's government and put a pro-Brussels puppet government at the head of Hungary," the PM pointed out, noting it's that old, familiar question again: do we bow to the foreign will or do we resist it? This is the serious decision Hungary is facing, according to Viktor Orban.

I suggest that our answer be as clear and unequivocal as it was in 1956,

he said. We will not take part in any imperial competition. We do not believe in any utopian ideologies, whether they come from the East or the West, the PM said, adding that Hungarians only want to live in peace in the Carpathian Basin.

He recalled that "Hungarians do not frighten easily when being blackmailed by the given empire of the day. We know that 

they want to coerce us into war, force migrants on us and want us to hand our children over to gender activists. We know that they have picked out the puppet government and the party, they found the right man for the job, a real yes-man type. 

He is ideal to head the desired puppet government," Viktor Orban said. 

Those who are patriots are still fighting for Hungarian freedom, but only actions count. The whole country could see who did what in the European Parliament. We defended Hungarian interests and freedom against the imperialist policies of the European Union.

In contrast, the opposition offered its services to the empire. It is an internationalist tradition to betray the homeland and the family.

Old opposition, or new opposition, only the label changes. The new one is doing the same as the old one, inviting foreigners against the Hungarians, he added.

In 1956 there was unity, there was will, but strength was not enough for sovereign action, he recalled.

"Today there is strong national unity behind the right-wing government, and there is a common will. Today unity and will are matched by strength. Today there is the possibility of taking sovereign action, and I promise that we will take it. To be Hungarian is to fight. This is what the heroes of 1956 teach us and expect from us. We will not tolerate Hungary being turned into a puppet state again, into a vassal of Brussels. They will not succeed. Here they will not break through.

We will win and they will lose!

We Hungarians can do it and will do it. We will do it again. Glory to the Hungarian heroes of 1956, Hungary's prime minister concluded his speech. 

PM Orban returned home from Paris last night after talks with French President Emmanuel Macron.

All that's left is to write the speech,

he posted on social media.


In recent years, Viktor Orban has commemorated the heroes of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle at various locations in the countryside: last year he delivered a speech in Veszprem, and before that in Zalaegerszeg.

In 2021, the celebration in the capital on October 23 was also accompanied by a peace march, which ended at the Astoria where the prime minister delivered his address.

Programs of the commemoration of the 1956 revolution and freedom fight on October, 2024:

  •  Flag-raising ceremony on Kossuth Square at 9 am. Afterwards,  the Hungarian parliament building will be open to the public from 10am to 6 pm. Visitors can also view the Holy Crown in the Parliament, and period Csepel trucks will be on display outside on Kossuth Square.
  • An all-day protocol-free commemoration will be held at plot 301.
  • President Tamas Sulyok will deliver a speech at the ceremony held at 6 pm at Mupa Budapest. The event will be broadcast live on public television.
  •  The building of the ministry of foreign affairs and building K of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics will be decorated with light painting between 4 pm and 11 pm. The House of Terror Museum will be open to the public free of charge between 10 am and 6 pm, and there will be a candle-lighting ceremony at the Wall of Heroes throughout the day.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Millenaris Park in Budapest (Photo: Sandor Csudai)

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