Giorgia Meloni's resignation as president of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) party family could trigger a major reshuffle not only in Italian politics, but also on Europe's right wing. Meloni supports former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, a longtime ally of Viktor Orban, as her successor. This decision can be seen as a strong signal for a possible union between the Patriots for Europe and the ECR, which could even threaten the position of the European People's Party (EPP).
Patriots for Europe Can Catch Up With EPP
Giorgia Meloni recently announced her departure as president of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) party family and expressed support for former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as her successor, which projects the emergence of a new center of power on the Right. The decision could also lead to the uniting of the Patriots for Europe and the ECR in the future, making the group the second strongest political bloc in the European Parliament.

The uniting of the two party families could create a strong right-wing bloc with 162 MEPs, just 26 seats behind the European People's Party. Moreover, new MEPs from the independents or even from the ranks of the EPP joining the group cannot be ruled out, which would allow the alliance to overtake the EPP.
Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the 21st Century Institute, pointed out that
Viktor Orban's long-term strategy has always been to build a strong, sovereign right-wing alliance in the European Parliament. If united, this bloc could have a major influence on Brussels politics and fundamentally reshape EU decision-making.
There could be several factors behind Meloni's departure. On December 4, Viktor Orban met with Giorgia Meloni in Rome. After the meeting, the Hungarian prime minister said only this much: "Old friendship, new chapter, big plans!" This is seen by many as a clear indication of a new, closer cooperation.
Meloni's decision also indicates that previous conflicts within the Right, such as the rivalry between Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen, may be set aside. Meloni's stepping down could remove one of the main obstacles to closer cooperation between Patriots for Europe and the ECR.
Developments regarding the war conflict is another important factor. Several members of the ECR - especially MEPs from the Baltic states - have so far disagreed with Viktor Orban's position on the war. However, after Donald Trump's victory in the United States, the possible end of the war may put this issue on a new footing, as peace negotiations with Putin are expected to begin, which may alleviate the differences, the expert says.
Since the establishment of the Patriots for Europe group, there have been significant changes on the European right. The alliance has successfully attracted MEPs from the EPP and other political groups to form a strong, sovereigntist bloc. Recent developments could give new impetus to this process. According to Daniel Deak,
The cooperation between the ECR and the Patriots is already making a serious impact on the European political landscape. If these two alliances were to unite, a new right-wing center of power would be created, capable of posing a real challenge to the European People's Party.
Giorgia Meloni's resignation is therefore not just a personnel decision, but a strategic move that could shift the balance of power on the European Right. With the strengthening of an Orban-Morawiecki axis and the possible end of the war, sovereigntist parties may face a new era that could fundamentally transform EU political relations.
The Patriots for Europe has been growing steadily since its inception. In October, two Polish MEPs joined the party family.
At today's Patriots for Europe group meeting, we congratulated our Czech and Austrian allies on their victories in the recent elections and welcomed two new Polish MEPs, Anna Brylka and Tomasz Buczek. The group is now made up of 14 parties and 86 members from 13 countries,
MEP Kinga Gal posted on Facebook in October.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)
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