Weber Is Against Peace, Demands More Support for Ukraine

The leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) has spoken out against an agreement that seeks to end the Russia–Ukraine war. "We must set clear boundaries for Putin," said Manfred Weber, who expressed skepticism about future US involvement. Peter Magyar's ally would continue the bloodshed, which has already cost countless lives and forced millions to flee their homes. The pro-war politician previously stated that Europeans must be prepared for a war against Russia.

2025. 01. 05. 14:57
Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party, and Manfred Weber, EPP president, in Budapest (Photo: AFP)
Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party, and Manfred Weber, EPP president, in Budapest (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Weber cautioned against a hasty agreement on ending the Russia-Ukraine war. "The West must not offer Russian President Vladimir Putin, a short-term agreement; instead, clear boundaries must be set," the CSU politician said. Weber added that Putin is a war criminal and embodies imperialist thinking.

Manfred Weber, az Európai Néppárt (EPP) elnöke 2024. november 27-én (Fotó: AFP)
Manfred Weber, president of the European People's Party (EPP) Photo: AFP

The pro-war politician called for greater military support for Ukraine. Currently, Germany spends only about 0.64 percent of its GDP on aid to Ukraine.

It’s not a question of whether Europe can continue to financially support the war in Ukraine as the EU’s economic and financial strength will always make this possible,

Weber said, emphasizing that the real issue this year is what kind of lasting peace and security order can be established in Europe in the medium and long term.


Weber called for increasing defense spending

Germany’s defense budget must rise, the EPP chief said, with a minimum of 2 percent of GDP earmarked to defense. He argued that Germany and Europe are in Russia’s crosshairs.

330 million Americans will not protect 440 million Europeans,

Weber warned. He advocated for joint EU-level procurement, cheaper weapons purchases, a European missile defense system, and a cybersecurity unit. He also stressed the need for joint border protection on of NATO’s eastern flank. 

As previously reported by Magyar Nemzet, Manfred Weber and George Soros plan  to plunge all of Europe into war.

Ukraine is Europe, Europe is Ukraine. No matter how long it takes, Russia must be defeated in Ukraine,

said Peter Magyar's ally, Manfred Weber, nearly a year ago.

In another statement, the Hungarophobic politician declared that Europeans must be ready for a war against Russia.


Cover photo: Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party, and Manfred Weber, EPP president, in Budapest (Photo: AFP)

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