PM Orban's Stance on the War Has Become the US Position

Prime Minister Viktor Orban is participating in today’s informal EU summit and will also hold talks with the NATO secretary general. Following Trump's inauguration, Hungary’s long-standing position could prevail over the EU’s pro-war stance in security policy discussions, said Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the 21st Century Institute.

2025. 02. 03. 15:08
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and US President Donald Trump at their meeting (Photo: AFP/Hungarian PM’s Office)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and US President Donald Trump at their meeting (Photo: AFP/Hungarian PM’s Office)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The world has changed a lot since the EU summit in December. Our goal is for Hungary to be a winner of change. Even if the Brussels bureaucrats don't like it," Hungary's prime minister posted on social media. 

Prime Minister Viktor Orban will hold talks with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte in Brussels today, Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister's press chief, confirmed earlier. Viktor Orban will also attend an informal meeting of EU leaders in Brussels. EU heads of state and government will gather at the Egmont Palace to discuss Europe's defense and security issues. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will also attend the talks.

As the prime minister has pointed out, the situation has changed since the last EU summit. Donald Trump has been inaugurated as president of the United States, and we can now see the direction the US is taking,

Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the 21st Century Institute, told Magyar Nemzet.

Daniel Deak, senior analyst (Source: 21st Century Institute)

"Europe must adapt to this and develop an independent European policy, something Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long been calling for,"

he added. "An important part of this is defense policy, as we see that Europe is completely reliant on the United States. It is no coincidence that the NATO secretary general will also attend this informal summit, where security policy and the issue of the Russia-Ukraine war will be the main topics."

Daniel Deak also highlighted that the US position on the war has now aligned with Hungary’s. Over the weekend, the new US state secretary stated in an interview that it was a huge mistake to make Ukraine believe it could defeat Russia. Due to the escalation, Ukraine has suffered enormous losses

Since the outbreak of the war, Viktor Orban has consistently called for a ceasefire and peace negotiations. Today, the Hungarian position has become that of the world’s leading power, and this must inevitably influence Europe’s stance as well, as Brussels still largely maintains a pro-war position,

Daniel Deak emphasized.

Az EU vezetői informális csúcstalálkozóra gyűlnek össze Brüsszelben
EU leaders gathering for an informal summit in Brussels (Photo: Anadolu/AFP)

According to the analyst, PM Orban will represent this patriotic stance at the summit and seek to shift Brussels away from its pro-war stance.

It is now clear that the Western world’s leading power is backing the Hungarian position,

the analyst concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and US President Donald Trump at their meeting (Photo: AFP/Hungarian PM’s Office)

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