PM Orban: Everyone Must Abide by the Laws

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban responded to immediate questions in Parliament. Opposition factions raised concerns on several topics—including the central bank, school meal programs, elections and the recent military accident in Ujdorogd.

2025. 03. 25. 11:49
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban responds to questions in Parliament (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“Last night there was a football match; unfortunately, the Hungarian national team lost, but I see that you are happy about it,” the prime minister replied to a question posed by Democratic Coalition (DK) Representative Olga Kalman. He also alluded to the fact that Laszlo Kiss, the DK mayor of Budapest's District 3, is handling district affairs from prison.

If we're going to discuss what happens with public funds, then you should start clearing the mess in your own ranks,

he added.

Regarding the interim election in Ujpest (District 6 of Budapest), he thanked everyone who participated in the voting and congratulated the winner. The prime minister described it as a farcical situation that the legally convicted Laszlo Varju won the election. PM Orban also opined that it would be worth considering some legal remedy for such absurd situations.

Everyone must abide by the laws,

Viktor Orban emphasized.

Next, an immediate question from the Momentum party was on the agenda, however the representatives from that opposition party were barred from the Parliament by House Speaker Laszlo Kover for disruptive behavior and setting off smoke bombs in the chamber in an attempt to obstruct last week’s vote on tightening the assembly law.

Significant Funds for School Meals

“Compared to 2015, the number of under 18s living in severe poverty and social deprivation has decreased from 30% to 12.8%; among those aged 18 to 64, this has fallen from 20.5% to 8.5%; and among those over 65, from 12.7% to 8.7%,” Viktor Orban responded to a question by Socialist (MSZP) Representative Imre Komjathi. The prime minister noted that it makes sense for mothers to receive full income tax exemption and announced that the initiative for income tax exemption for mothers under 30 with one child was submitted today.

In 2025, we will spend much more on school meals than what you are currently asking for,” 

he stated.

He indicated that 146 billion forints (over 366 million euros) will be spent on school meals, providing for 650,000 children. He also mentioned measures to curb the high prices on essential foodstuffs, which will help families and children living under the most difficult conditions.

The Central Bank is Independent

“In accordance with international legal regulations, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) is independent,” Viktor Orban told DK Representative Laszlo Gyorgy Lukacs in response to his concern, advising the opposition politician to address his questions to the MNB. He noted that the National Bank is audited by the State Audit Office and suggested that those seeking answers on related issues should redirect their questions to those responsible.

No matter how ardently opposition members call on the government to engage in the workings of the Hungarian National Bank, he reiterated that domestic and international rules prevent it. Regarding a question on the tightening of the criminal code, he said that it was the governing parties who achieved that.

Our laws are good; let the National Bank be independent, let independent authorities monitor it, and exclude the government from it,

he added.

The Voters Decide

“You can count on the government acting in accordance with the laws and also ensuring that others comply as well,” Viktor Orban responded to Bence Tordai, the head of the Dialogue faction. Regarding party support, the PM mentioned that they are open to advice from everyone, though perhaps least so on the issue of party popularity from the barely measurable Dialogue party. he declared.

In Hungary, the composition of the Parliament is decided by the voters. There is no need to worry; there will be free elections, and the Hungarian people will decide in which direction Hungary will go and who will lead it,

the head of government assured the politician.

More Respect for Our Soldiers

“This is about a terrible accident and a painful human tragedy. Let us trust that those injured will overcome this life-threatening situation. We will provide every assistance to them now and throughout their lives,” Viktor Orban responded to a query by MSZP Representative Zita Gurmai concerning the military accident in Ujdorogd. The prime minister stated that every government official who undertakes this training deserves respect, then he denounced as a despicable lie the accusation that anyone was forced to something against their will regarding the accident.

This is the most serious abuse—a human tragedy exploited for political purposes,

he stressed

The prime minister noted that for ten years the trainings have been conducted on this theme, and they will continue to be voluntary. He said they consider the woman who lost both her arms a hero.

Shame on you, and I say this in her name as well.

PM Orban announced that as expected, everything will be thoroughly investigated. He stated that every volunteer enlisting in the military deserves the highest recognition.

More respect for our soldiers,

he added.


Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)

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