Hungarian Dollar Left acts in interests of pro-war Western politicians

It is in the interests of the American left to involve Hungary in the Russia-Ukraine war, and they need local allies for that.

2023. 09. 19. 18:00
Budapest, 2023. július 15. David Pressman, az Egyesült Államok budapesti nagykövete országa zászlajával a kezében a 28. Budapest Pride résztvevõi között a Városligetben 2023. július 15-én. MTI/Kovács Tamás Fotó: Kovács Tamás
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Origo news portal has interviewed Balint Rotyis, an analyst at the Nezopont Institute, about the growing international pressure on Hungary. The expert pointed out that US Ambassador David Pressman is a political activist and organizer of the opposition’s political camp. Also, the Democrats are already looking for their new protege in Hungary to influence next year's elections. The expert said:

"The Hungarian national-minded political bloc today is in fact fighting with the liberal groups in Brussels and Washington.

They are the real opponents, while the Hungarian left is made up of mercenaries who have become intellectually empty, their parties exist almost only on paper and their political infrastructure is run from abroad with foreign money," he told the portal.


The dollar media, the main investment of foreign powers

As much as they try to hide it, each and every media outlet claiming to be fiercely independent and objective have been found to be pursuing a liberal agenda. Another characteristic of these foreign-funded media is that

they try to conceal the identity of foreign donors by collecting micro-donations,

to give the impression that they live on the money of ordinary readers," says Balint Rotyis.

Left pursues very dangerous goals

In the 20th century, Hungary experienced the horrors of war, and Hungarians have not forgotten this historical experience. That is why it is irresponsible and

and completely unacceptable for the left to be on the side of war.

Not to mention the fact that today in Ukraine there is in fact a proxy war between the United States and Russia. And the horrors of such proxy wars are usually suffered not by the great powers, but by the people of the war-torn region.

It is clearer than ever that any political group supporting the war is acting against Hungarian interests," the expert says.

(Photo: MTI/Tamas Kovacs)

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