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We're Going at Tremendous Speed Towards Third World War

Sending as many pro-peace politicians as possible to Brussels is the solution, says communications chief of the governing parties.

2024. 05. 23. 11:11
Photo: MTI/Tamas Kovacs
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The Russia-Ukraine war is not only a European problem, because there is already a threat of a world war, and there are two conditions for this to change: one is pro-peace forces gaining a majority in the European Parliament elections in June, and the other is the outcome of the November elections in the United States, said Menczer Tamas in the town of Fonyod, near Lake Balaton. The communications director of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats (KDNP) told a press conference on the sideline of the nationwide campaign tour of the governing parties that

Europe and the world are split into two camps: pro-war and pro-peace.

The pro-war camp claims that the war in Ukraine is "our war, and if it is our war, then our goal is for Ukraine to win, and thus we can win", but everyone can see that Ukraine will not win, he said. In recent weeks, he added, it has increasingly come into focus and a growing number of politicians have raised the idea that if Ukraine alone does not win, "and everyone knows it will not win", then Western troops should be sent to Ukraine, as the French president and others have said.

Emmanuel Macron's party colleague talked about the need to send not only Western soldiers, but also NATO troops to Ukraine. As the first step, they could take over non-direct combat roles from forces, for example stationed at the Ukraine-Belarus border, in order to transfer them to fight on the front, he recalled. The second step will be sending Western soldiers to fight, the communications chief pointed out.

This is extremely dangerous because it greatly increases the risk of a clash between NATO and Russia, a clash that would be "tantamount to a third world war,"

Tamas Menczer stressed, adding that the situation is very serious and getting more dangerous each day.

Once pro-war forces decide to do something, they will see it through, but there is a way to counter this: pro-peace forces securing a majority in the EP elections and Donald Trump winning the US presidential elections will enable pro-peace forces to "successfully change the course of the ship, which is now going at a tremendous speed towards war," the communications director said.

The first step is the EP elections, and "we will do our job here at home, in Hungary": we need to send to Brussels as many pro-peace politicians as possible, who truly represent the interests of Europe and the Hungarian people, said Tamas Menczer.

Cover photo: Tamas Menczer in Fonyod (Photo: MTI/Tamas Kovacs)

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