Zelensky Shows No Regard for Human Lives

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rejected a Christmas ceasefire, dismissed mediation efforts by Hungary, and even misrepresented details of a prisoner exchange. Zelensky appears to cling almost compulsively to his power and the war that sustains it.

2025. 01. 02. 16:17
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at European Council Meeting in Brussels (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

While he refused a Christmas ceasefire, a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine did take place before the New Year and the start of the Orthodox holiday season. According to Moscow, 150 Russian soldiers were released by Ukraine authorities in exchange for 150 Ukrainian prisoners of war handed over to Kyiv. The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that the exchange was made possible by humanitarian efforts from the United Arab Emirates. Zelensky also reported on the exchange via social media.

Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök Brüsszelben.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Brussels (Photo: Hans Lucas via AFP)

However, contrary to Moscow’s statement, Zelensky claimed that 189 Ukrainian prisoners of war were released. 

The Ukrainian news agency Unian, citing Kyiv's prisoner exchange coordination team, reported that since the war began, 3,956 Ukrainians have been freed from captivity, including 1,358 in 2024 alone. 

A successful exchange was far from guaranteed. 

Zelensky, who fiercely clings to his power and the war that sustains it with near compulsive voracity, has rejected multiple ceasefire proposals in recent months.

As the nearly three-year-long war drags on with no end in sight, Zelensky’s mandate has long expired. In utter disregard of this, he continues to drive the war without formal legal authorization, and with rapidly waning support from the public. Despite Ukraine’s heavy battlefield losses, Zelensky had cynically dismissed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's proposals for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry even issued a statement urging Hungary to stop attempting to mediate a Christmas ceasefire or prisoner exchange. At a forum in Lviv in mid-December, Zelensky slammed Orban's efforts, declaring that 

he would not allow the Hungarian prime minister to mediate peace talks to end the war in Ukraine.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico criticized Zelensky’s actions in a video post on social media, stating,

I will never support Slavs killing each other for any geopolitical interest or in order to weaken Russia. It is incomprehensible to me that the Ukrainian president rejects a ceasefire and that the leadership in Kyiv is dragging the entire country into catastrophe. Ukraine's negotiating position is becoming weaker, and it will pay a huge price for this Western adventure.

Cosplaying as general, Zelensky sends his people to get pointlessly slaughtered

In an earlier interview, security expert Georg Spottle told Magyar Nemzet that despite Ukraine’s devastating losses—estimated by the Russian Defense Ministry at nearly a million dead or wounded, with 41,000 reportedly killed in a single campaign in Kursk—Zelensky refuses to end the bloodshed.

Zelensky knows that in the event of a ceasefire, he would not have forces left to redeploy, while Russia could send fresh troops and equipment from its reserves. This is likely what he is also seeking to avoid,

the security expert stressed, adding,

It’s clear Ukraine has lost this war, but they are prolonging the suffering of their people. Forced conscription continues, sending people into a senseless slaughter.

Zelensky shows no regard for human life and will do anything to maintain power 

While the Ukrainian president categorically rejected repeated proposals for ceasefire, his forced conscription operation continues in a desperate attempt to meet required recruitment quotas.

Ukrainian military recruiters abducting eligible men in the streets to meet monthly conscription quotas. have sparked fear and discontent among the Ukrainian population.

Young men aged 25–40 

Nearly every week, new reports emerge of the increasingly brutal tactics used in the conscription campaign. 

Ukraine has officially switched to celebrating Christmas on December 24-25, in line with Western Christianity, yet the relentless abduction of eligible men in the streets continued even during the holidays. The Kyiv government's drastic recruitment methods have sparked fear and discontent among the Ukrainian people. Increasingly brutal tactics are being employed by the so-called Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center (TCK) officers to meet monthly quota targets.  Ukrainian men, particularly those aged 25–40 feel especially vulnerable, with many relying on social media groups to share the locations of TCK officials to avoid forced conscription. The fear of being seized has become so pervasive that many are reluctant to even step outside. 

Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at European Council Meeting in Brussels (Photo: AFP)



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