You are not the troublemakers of the EU!
Instead of thanking the Hungarians, the Germans speak injuriously of them.
Instead of thanking the Hungarians, the Germans speak injuriously of them.
“I see Fidesz’ decision to leave the People’s Party as a gesture of defending democracy.„
“This is antidemocratic, unjust and unacceptable” – wrote the Hungarian prime minister to Manfred Weber in his public letter.
Instead of thanking the Hungarians, the Germans speak injuriously of them.
“I see Fidesz’ decision to leave the People’s Party as a gesture of defending democracy.„
“This is antidemocratic, unjust and unacceptable” – wrote the Hungarian prime minister to Manfred Weber in his public letter.
We know that the German Christian EU parties consider the legal ground of these new rules questionable.
Klaus Schwab's big plans would introduce Marx and Engels’ great dream of global communism.
World history has sharply proven that there is no humane system possible founded on Marxist-Leninist principles – said Zalán Bognár historian.
Throughout the history of Central Europe, it has not just been a role, but a mission.
Today the strength of the Visegrad Group is reflected in our joint cooperation – wrote Mateusz Morawiecki, PM of Poland in his editorial for Magyar Nemzet.
Italy is no exception to today’s pervasive and unstoppable materialist, relativist worldviews.
Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin recently vowed to do everything in his power to disband the right-wing movement.
The twists and turns along Jobbik’s road to “redemption” and Gyurcsány’s list.
It's a telltale sign that a Hungarian journalist from Uppsala can shed a ray of reality on the envied wealth of Sweden.
More and more Member States are pointing out the EU’s failure to procure vaccinations.
The lines above were written on Facebook by a pastor of Hungarian origin from the Mörrum congregation in southern Sweden.
In line with the Soros network and liberals’ script, they’ve played the racist card.
István Petruska wants to help straighten out Hungary and Ukraine’s strained relationship.
The favored strategy of left-wing powers to overcome ideological debates is to brand their enemies or those they dislike as either antisemitic or racist.
The current government seized the opportunity that NATO’s binding defense budget spending provided.
In the exclusive interview Laurent Obertone disclosed what he thinks of the hundred-year-old Trianon dictate.
We demand equality and respect for the founding treaties!
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
Hungary has always lost out when East and West were pitted against each other.
The Germans have no issue with Hungarians.
Israeli Ambassador Avi Nir-Feldklein revealed when Benjamin Netanyahu might arrive in Hungary.
Even for Italians, Cardinal Peter Erdo is a model of faithfulness, religious fervor and being a good shepherd.
Hungary's Fidesz-KDNP outraged by position of Peter Magyar's MEPs.
The government signed a three-year wage agreement with representatives of employers and employees.
European economy could start turnaround in competitiveness.
Magyarország teljesen mást akar, mint Brüsszel.
December 7-én lesz a Játékszín új bemutatója, a könyv izgalmas adaptációja.
A demonstrációk több ezer embert mozgósítottak.
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
Portfóliónk minőségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó számára. Egyedülálló elérést, országos lefedettséget és változatos megjelenési lehetőséget biztosít. Folyamatosan keressük az új irányokat és fejlődési lehetőségeket. Ez jövőnk záloga.