A contentious debate has erupted in Argentina following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's attendance at the inauguration of the new Argentine president in Buenos Aires, where he also met with Viktor Orban and others before the ceremony. The tense exchange between Ukraine's head of state and Hungary's prime minister was captured on camera. It appears that PM Orban has firmly aligned President Zelensky on certain facts just a few days before the EU summit, where Ukraine's EU accession talks could be on the agenda.
PM Orban Straightens President Zelensky's Course in Argentina + Video
The tense exchange between the Ukrainian head of state and Hungary's prime minister was caught on camera.

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I spoke to Hungarian PM Viktor Orban. It was a rather direct and to-the-point conversation,
– Mr Zelensky stated in a video message. He added that he had also discussed the defense of Europe at the EU level with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
Magyar Nemzet previously highlighted that, in response to a question from Hungary's state news agency (MTI), PM Orban's press chief emphasized that Mr Orban had conveyed to the Ukrainian president that member states were in continuous discussions regarding Ukraine's EU accession.
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On Thursday, PM Orban engaged in talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris after signaling to European Council President Charles Michel that Ukraine's accession to the EU was not timely and should not be put on the agenda. During his visit to France, Mr. Orban told the weekly Le Point that the European Commission's report on Ukraine was essentially a lie.
I will not agree to a decision that is bad for Hungary. My understanding of Europe is that until everyone agrees, there is no decision. Ukraine is in a difficult situation because of the Russian invasion, so we have decided to lend our support. I agree that the European Council should send positive signals to Ukraine, but there are quite different signals, such as the opening of negotiations on EU membership. We must not do that,
– Viktor Orban stated in connection with the war-torn country's potential EU membership.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
We have also reported recently that Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, had a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.
Andriy Jermak informed Mr Szijjarto that the Ukrainian parliament is preparing to adopt several important pieces of legislation. Hungary's foreign minister thanked him for the information and took note of it.
"There was agreement between them on the need to improve relations between Hungary and Ukraine, and that the best way to achieve this is through direct personal dialogue. Therefore, they agreed that FM Szijjarto and Andriy Yermak would meet in person," the spokesman said.
During the talks, Andriy Yermak proposed a meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The Hungarian side is of course open to such a meeting, but it only makes sense if there is a chance that such a meeting will have a positive outcome, which requires thorough preparation and preliminary discussions, the spokesman said.
PM Viktor Orban attends the inauguration ceremony of new Argentine President Javier Milei in Buenos Aires on December 10, 2023. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stands next to PM Orban (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Fischer Zoltan)
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