Right-wing Networking in Washington Pays Off
Let's make America and Europe great together!
Let's make America and Europe great together!
Europe continues to suffer from war psychosis, the minister says.
Plans include a visit with former President Donald Trump.
Let's make America and Europe great together!
Europe continues to suffer from war psychosis, the minister says.
Plans include a visit with former President Donald Trump.
The €2 billion arriving from Brussels represents success for the Hungarian government.
Air Force crews show how the payload is placed and discharged on the target.
Russia conducts successful ballistic missile launch with the Yars system.
In exchange for foreign funding, Hungarian ex-PM Gyurcsany's party was expected by the pro-war Soros network to support Ukraine's war effort, Fidesz communications director points out.
In return for the money, George Soros and his allies set the political course.
Mike Gonzalez speaks about the odds in the US presidential election during his talk in the "We Win, They Lose - America Chooses" event series, organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights.
Hungary's government intends to raise the awareness of Europeans to the problem.
Viktor Orban had previously indicated that the government will implement more restrictions in child protection institutions.
All jobs in Hungary are primarily for Hungarians.
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban will attend the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (ADF) at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday, Mr Orban's press chief told Hungary's state news agency (MTI).
Hungary's foreign minister shared in a Facebook video his thoughts on the Ilaria Salis case and the subsequent Italian media response.
Hungary will send neither weapons, nor soldiers to Ukraine.
The Baltic region is often referred to as NATO's Achilles' heel, partly because of its geographical location and its defense capabilities.
The death threat messages received by many ethnic Hungarians in Trancarpathia raise concern in Hungary.
The prime ministers of the four Visegrad Group countries agreed on continuing their cooperation.
Hungary's defense minister also stated that the era of European peace has come to an end
Gyorgy Dunda, director of a Hungarian newspaper in Transcarpathia, and Istvan Ijgyarto, former ambassador to Kyiv, have described the situation of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia.
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
New initiatives and programs are needed, says the commissioner for space research.
With the strengthening of national, conservative parties, which are often members of the Patriots for Europe EP group, there will be a major change in the approach to migration.
The foreign minister emphasized that the composition of Hungary's energy mix is solely a matter for national decision.
Balazs Hidveghi emphasized that the goal is economic neutrality.
EU interior ministers could reach a formal decision on Bulgaria's and Romania’s Schengen membership on December 12, in Brussels.
Hungary's prime minister gave an account of his Friday talks.
There is room for improvement in relations between the two countries, but there are also some encouraging signs.
Peti, a számok nem hazudnak.
Több mint nyolcvan képet töltött fel az internetre.
Törökország ellenez minden olyan szankciót, amelyet a Nyugat Moszkva ellen vezetett be.
A Fidesz–KDNP felháborítónak tartja Magyar Péter képviselőinek állásfoglalását.
A Magyar Nemzet közéleti napilap konzervatív, nemzeti alapról, a tényekre építve adja közre a legfontosabb társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági, kulturális és sport témájú információkat.
Portfóliónk minőségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó számára. Egyedülálló elérést, országos lefedettséget és változatos megjelenési lehetőséget biztosít. Folyamatosan keressük az új irányokat és fejlődési lehetőségeket. Ez jövőnk záloga.